Woman of the Century/Hannah Johnson Carter

2256495Woman of the Century — Hannah Johnson Carter

CARTER, Mrs. Hannah Johnson, art educator, born in Cortland, Maine. She is the only child of Jonathan True and Hannah True, his wife. Mrs. Carter's father was a wealthy importer HANNAH JOHNSON CARTER. and commission merchant. Her mother died young, leaving her infant daughter to the care of a devoted father who, early recognizing the artistic tastes of his child, gave her considerable training in that direction. In 1868 Miss True became the wife of Henry Theophilus Carter, a mechanical engineer and manufacturer. The marriage was happy and congenial, and with wealth and high social standing life seemed to hold out to the young couple only sunshine, but soon the shadows began to fall. Financial losses, the failing health of her husband, the death of a loved child and the terrible loneliness of widowhood all came in quick succession. Though nearly crushed by the weight of woe so suddenly forced upon her, Mrs. Carter, with noble independence and courage, began to look about for ways and means to support herself and child. Her mind naturally turned to art, and with the life insurance left her by her husband she entered the Massachusetts Norma! Art School and was graduated with high standing. After a year's further study with private teachers in first-class studios, she went to Kingston, Canada, to direct an art school, which, if successful, would receive a government grant. Although laboring under great disadvantages, she succeeded in establishing the school <m a permanent basis. At the close of the first year she w as obliged to return to Boston, as the climate of Canada was too Severe for her health. For two years she was associated with the Prang Educational Company, of dial city. doing various work pertaining to its educational department, such as illustrating drawing-hooks and often ac ting as drawing supervisor where the Prang system of drawing was in use. In the fall of 18S7 she was called to New York City to take the chair of professor of form and drawing in the College for the Training of Teachers, and in 1890 she was elected president of the art department of the National Educational Association. In 1891 she was made director of the art department in the Drexel Institute of Art, Science and Industry, in Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Carter has been appointed on many industrial, educational and art committees. She does not confine her energies to local work, but has an interest in general art education, believing enthusiastically in the necessity of educating and elevating public taste by beginning early with the training of children for a love of the aesthetic, thr jugh habits of close observation of the beautiful. Mrs. Carter stands among the leading educators, and is an ardent worker for art education.