Woman of the Century/Phebe Cobb Larry Dole

2271421Woman of the Century — Phebe Cobb Larry Dole

DOLE, Mrs. Phebe Cobb Larry, poet, born in Gorham, Maine, 28th November, 1835 Her great-grandfather, Dennis Larry, came from Ireland to this country with the British army during the French and Indian war, and afterwards settled on land granted him in Gorham for services rendered during the war. Her mother was the great-granddaughter of Ezra Brown, one of the early settlers of Windham, Maine, who was killed by the Indian chief, Poland, during the last battle between the inhabitants of Windham and the Indians, 14th May, 1756. Her father, Joseph C. Larry, was a blacksmith and farmer, and resided in Windham. Her early life was quiet and simple. She was educated in the common schools of her own town and in Gorham Seminary. Some of her early poetical productions fell into the hands of a well- known critic and scholar, who secured their publication in several Maine papers, much to the surprise of their youthful author. In 1853 she became the wife of Samuel T. Dole, of Windham, a man of fine literary taste and good business capacity. In 1860 Mrs. Dole began to write for the Portland "Transcript," the Kennebec "Journal," Hallowell "Gazette" and other Maine papers. The late John Neal and Edward H. Elwell gave her much encouragement. Mrs. Dole has written for many of the leading magazines and has acquired a wide reputation outside of her own State. As an artist she claims to be but an amateur, but her paintings show the taste and fine feeling of the poet. She is a woman of strong character and well cultivated mind.