Index:Rolland - Beethoven, tr. Hull, 1927.pdf

Title Beethoven
Author Romain Rolland, Edward Carpenter
Translator Arthur Eaglefield Hull, Bertha Constance Hull
Year 1927
Publisher Kegan Paul, French, Trubner
Location London
Source pdf
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed



Preface v

Introduction by Edward Carpenter ix

List of Illustrations xix

His Life 1

His Will 57

His Letters

To Carl Amenda 65
To Fraulein Gerardi 68
To Frl. Eleonore von Breuning 69
To Dr. Wegeler 72
" " " 78
To Capellmeister Hofmeister 81
Wegeler and Eleonore von Breuning to Beethoven 84
To Dr. Wegeler 91
To Sir George Smart in London 92
" " " " 93
Schindler to Messrs. Schott 96


Thoughts 101

His Works (By the Editor)

The Symphonies 109
The Piano Sonatas 133
The Piano and Violin Sonatas 169
The String Quartets 179

Bibliography 195

Classification of Piano Sonatas 209

Complete List of Works 213

Index 239