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June 7, 1942

THE PHOTOGRAPHS taken yesterday by Kano Gandhi, the Mahatma’s nephew, did not turn out because the films were out of date, and so I shaved again early this morning and walked over to Gandhi. I again found him scooping mango sauce out of a deep glass while his wife fanned him. He asked me how I had slept. I told him I had slept very well, and asked how he had slept. He said he usually sleeps from 9:30 to 4:30.

“Without interruption?” I asked.

“No,” he replied, “with two or three very brief interruptions. But I have no trouble falling asleep again. And then I have half an hour’s sleep every afternoon.” I told him that Churchill did the same. “I hear,” he said, “that this is becoming more and more customary in Europe. Especially in old age it is very important.” I told him that it had been reported that Roosevelt falls asleep the moment he gets into bed. Gandhi inquired about Roosevelt’s health and then asked me to describe