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Frenzied Fiction

shopping while they’re there. But while they are there they are observing. Then afterwards they make charts.”

“Charts of what?” I asked.

“Charts of the employés; they’re used to show the brain movement involved.”

“Do you find much?”

“Well,” she said hesitatingly, “the idea is to reduce all the employés to a Curve.”

“To a Curve?” I exclaimed, “an In or an Out.”

“No, no, not exactly that. Didn’t you use Curves when you were at college?”

“Never,” I said.

“Oh, well, nowadays nearly everything, you know, is done into a Curve. We put them on the board.”

“And what is this particular Curve of the employé used for?” I asked.

“Why,” said the student, “the idea is that from the Curve we can get the Norm of the employé.”

“Get his Norm?” I asked.

“Yes, get the Norm. That stands for the Root Form of the employé as a social factor.”

“And what can you do with that?”

“Oh, when we have that we can tell what the employé would do under any and every circumstance. At least that’s the idea—