Page:Gandhi and Saklatvala - Is India different.pdf/39

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September 14th, 1927.

Dear Comrade Gandhi,

I am in Dublin, but my thoughts are still with you. British imperialism now declares point-blank that the world cannot disarm, for Britain has to keep in chains India, Africa, China, Arabia and the rest, and if her navy becomes a danger to others, other Powers may keep equally large forces. Those who in Egypt, India, Ireland and China are carrying on an imperialist or a pro-imperialist policy, directly or indirectly, are therefore standing in the way of world peace, and are — perhaps unconsciously — guilty of a policy of periodical universal bloodshed.

Happy Family and Militarist Tyranny

My thoughts again turn to you to lead our country on the right path to break with imperialism for the sake of prosperity and happiness of millions of British workers, and in the cause of world humanitarianism. Great Britain, Australia and Canada can and mav become one united, happy family, but enslaved Ireland, India, China and Africa make that happy family union an imperialist and militarist tyranny. Only a few rich and unscrupulous British families want such an Empire, and not the man-in-the-street.

I was just walking down the main street of Dublin last night. I saw around me a new Ireland with a new Irish soul arising out of the ashes of their 1916 rebellion for in dependence. I can send you no better message from the Irish heart than the one that I saw in this street, carved on the Parnell monument, and once uttered by Parnell him self : "No man has a righj; to fix the boundary to the march of a nation. No man has a right to say to his country, 'Thus far shalt thou go and no further.' We have never attempted to fix the ne plus ultra to the process of Ireland's nationhood, and we never shall."

Comrade Gandhi, let me appeal to you to do your duty in a practical manner and as quickly as possible before the last lingering vestige of opportunity wafts away.

Yours fraternally,

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