Page:Gregg - Gandhiism versus socialism.pdf/13

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WE SEEM to be living in the midst of a change not only of exterior circumstances but also of inner systems of values and of the symbols that go with them. Among the various great movements in the world today, that led by Mahatma Gandhi shows the greatest amount of change of values and symbols. And when such a change really takes place and becomes widely established, that will indeed be revolution.

In a pamphlet like this, one cannot adequately discuss Gandhiism or any other great movement of social, economic and political reform. Nevertheless, a consideration of a few of the important elements of Gandhiism, and a comparison with similar features of Socialism, will per haps be useful.

Though I do not want to retain capitalism , Socialism is not the only alternative , and I do not think it is the best. I think that Gandhiism, for India, anyhow, is better. As the two systems stand today, it is easier for Gandhiism to select, adopt and use the important parts of the program of Socialism than it is for Socialism to adopt the more important parts of Gandhiism. Thus, of the two systems, Gandhiism seems the more flexible and comprehensive, and, therefore, probably more lasting.

How Society Is Controlled

Most people think that the world is governed by institutions and organizations such as political governments and banks, or by laws, or by certain ruling classes. But really the control is deeper and more subtle. Governments, banks, laws and ruling classes are only the exterior instru-