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kinds of order, new and different government ; but they do not mean absence of all order or government.

Thus we see that Gandhi’s program ends one of the oldest forms of social control, and establishes a new and finer type of order and control, based not on fear but on service and love. Satyagraha establishes an entirely new system of values and their appropriate symbols. By resolutely saying no, by disciplined mass Satyagraha, the people of India have learned in only a few months that they can check the most powerful of governments. This gives the masses new hope and self-confidence. Further use of the same method with all thoroughness will bring complete self-government. Not only does Satyagraha do away with fear, but it tends to create harmony and mutual trust among all people. Hence it also tends to weaken the money system by creating funds of trust outside the control of banks and governments.

Social Rank and Flattery

Probably the next most powerful method of social and political control is that of prestige, social grades and distinctions , playing upon vanity and pride by means of social ranks, ceremonial, glamour, invidious display, titles and the like. What is called “doing honor” to some one of ability is often a part of this. This device is used especially to corrupt and wean away the men and women of ability who rise to leadership of the working class, and thus to deprive the masses of strength and guidance. It is a clever and subtle art and far more powerful and effective than is generally realized. It is used in all countries. Lord Passfield—once Sidney Webb!—has said: “Popular leaders are no longer ruthlessly suppressed when they are too ambitious to be bought off by anything less than parliamentary leadership . . . . The emerging leaders of the