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God of Fortune, and the child's name was given. The name chosen was "Mohandas."

As usual, the family astrologer was more or less responsible for this. He had consulted the signs of the Zodiac, made a reckoning with the stars, and presented to the parents the fortunate letters out of which a name might be made. The letters permitted the name of "Mohandas," so this was added to the father's name of "Karamchand," crowned with the family name of "Gandhi," and the boy, in this way, was set up for life. Until he was seven years old, he attended an elementary school in Porbandar, studying some religious book with a private teacher. Then, owing to the migration of the family to Rajkot, he was transferred to a public school. From this time, although Porbandar continued to be the family home, it was seldom visited. Rajkot was five days distant by ox-waggon, or one hundred and twenty miles away, and only on special holidays, weddings, or feasts was a return possible.

Although Rajkot is not so picturesqueiy situated as is Porbandar, it was probably more pleasant to the eye. Certainly, as an educational centre, it was preferable. It stands on the bank of the Aji River, and at that time was partly surrounded by a