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Gandhi's Story

clothes and imitating the manners and fashions of the English. He spent a great deal of time and money on all this. He also took lessons in dancing.

In spite of all these extra expenses. Mohan was careful never to spend more than what his family sent him, and after a while he decided to give up these fashionable ways and to lead a simple life. He saved money by moving into a smaller room where he could cook his own meals on a stove. He decided it was more healthy as well as cheaper to walk to a place than to go by bus.

Although Mohan met many people he was still a very shy person. Once, he was asked to make a speech at a lunch party. He had prepared the speech some days ahead, but when the time came to make it he became very nervous and forgot every word of it.

After spending four years in England, Mohan took the law examination which he passed. He was now a full-fledged lawyer and he decided to return home to practice in the courts there.

On November twelfth in the year 1891, Mohan sailed home. At that time of year the sea is very rough and stormy. Mohan, however, was a very good sailor and while all the other passengers were sick and had to stay in their cabins Mohan did not mind it at all. Often he was the only one in the dining room. He liked standing on deck and watching the waves splash with fury against the side of the ship.