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The Struggle for Freedom

operated upon immediately for appendicitis. Since there were no lights in the hospital where he was taken, the doctor had to do the operation by torch light. Half way through the operation the torch failed and the rest of the operation had to be done with the nurse holding a hurricane lamp for the doctor to see. It was by a miracle that Gandhiji survived. He was very weak after it, and the British government decided to release him.

On coming out of prison, Gandhiji found that Mohammedans and Hindus had drifted apart and were again squabbling amongst themselves. This broke his heart and, in spite of his poor health, he went on a twenty-one day fast. As the days went by and he continued his fast, his strength started failing and his life was in danger. When people saw how he was prepared to give his life to bring them together, they felt ashamed of their actions and promised not to let religious differences come in the way of their unity and their country's freedom.