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Marie Louise.

curtsey, and that the Emperor, raising her, should embrace her. That a few minutes later their Majesties should enter a carriage holding six persons, with the Princesses; that the grand officers of state and the officers of the staff should accompany the carriage on horseback. Finally, that the two processions should unite, so as to make but one with that of their Majesties at Compiègne."

Such was the programme; this is how it was carried out.



The scene in the three tents was entirely omitted. As soon as the Emperor heard the Empress had left Vitry for Soissons, "indifferent to his dignity and to formality, he jumped into a carriage with the King of Naples and started off incognito and without his suite." And it should be added that a heavy shower of rain was falling at the same time, and that when he reached the carriage of the Empress at Courcelles, Napoleon was soaked through. I quote the remainder of the scene from M. Lévy:

"He approached her carriage without being recognised, but the equerry, not aware of his intentions, opened the door, let down the steps, and cried 'The Emperor' Napoleon fell on Marie Louise's neck, who was quite unprepared for