Page:Report on the Memorial Meeting for Mahatma Gandhi.djvu/28

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we are able to grasp and appreciate the meaning of Gandhi shall he become also the life of Asia and of the world.”


The following resolution was moved by Sirdar J. J. Singh and was unanimously adopted:

“We are met together today to honor one of the greatest men of human history. The world has been aware of Mahatma Gandhi for scores of years. While he was living, people did not always understand him, nor appreciate him, but they always knew that he was a force in our times, indomitable in his high purpose, unshakable in his integrity, persistently undefeated. To some he was a saint, to others a mystery, to his own people he was as familiar and revered a figure as a father. He was many things, to each man something.

“Now Gandhi is dead. We mourn his passing. It strikes us to the heart that this great good man, who, believing in non-violence never did harm to any creature, should yet have died by violence from one of his fellow men. This death, powerful and world-shaking, crystalizes the eternal meaning of Mahatma Gandhi’s life. Now we see plainly the necessity for the fundamental human truth which he spent his life to proclaim. We accept the challenge. We uphold the brotherhood of humanity, as the essence of peace, the affirmation of freedom.

“BE IT RESOLVED, THEREFORE, in honor of Mahatma Gandhi’s immortal memory, that we gathered together here today, men and women of many races and creeds, do solemnly declare that we will support by every means we have, by strength of hand and mind, those forces which today in India work for democracy and a progressive way of life. We approve of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s leadership. We put our faith in his integrity. We announce ourselves fellow-workers with those who work with him, believing that he is one of the outstanding leaders of India who can so ably fulfill the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi. We do this in the conviction that these ideals are valuable and essential for all mankind.”