Page:Speeches And Writings MKGandhi.djvu/313

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infect many others with his oouraga and lova of truth. Concluding, tha Mahabma said that Sabyagraha had multitudinous applications and oaa oould nob oail himaalf a real Satyagrahi unless ha had realised all of them.

The meeting In Nadiad was called for the special purpose of doing honour to Mr, Qandhi. On receiving the address Mr- Gandhi spoke to this effect :

I am graceful to you for tha addraaa of honour you tiava given ma. Bub aservanb-of tha peopia cannot aooepft honours, Ha is supposed bo hava oonsaorabad his all bo tha people and I oould but) odaaaoratu all that you hava -.given ma fco yoUi Oaa who haa mada "aarvioa " his re- ligion, oaanob lusb for honour; bha motnanb ha doas so, ha ia loab. I hava aoaa bha*J soma ara inspired by fcha luat) of help whilo soma by tha lusb of fame. The lusb of help is sordid anougb, bub bhab of fama is even mora so. Tho misdeeds of &ha labber leadd a man iu5o ona mora wiokad than thosa into which tha formar does. I there- fore beseeoh you bhab if you want really to do me honour) do neb plaasa giva ma a showar bath of addresses and [honours. Tha basb way to honour ma is to do my behest and to carry my principles into praobioa, And what, forsooth, hava I dona in this campaign ? If any- thing, I can only claim tha olavaraa^s that? is naoassary for a oommandar in picking out men for his campaign. I was clever enough in doing that, bub there too I should .nob hava achieved anything if you had nob acquitted yourselves well. Taa choice of my Heubenanfa, I may hera add, was particularly happy. I will say that, without tha help of Mr. V. J. Patel, wa oould nob have won tha campaign. Ha had a splendid praobioa, ha had his municipal work to do, bub ha renounced it ail and tbre'vv himself icr frhe, o^oHiaign, Bud

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