Page:Speeches And Writings MKGandhi.djvu/582

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ing England and the Allied Powers in the matter of the dismember- ment of the Ottoman Empire or the ejection of the Turkish Govern - ment from Constantinople, Knowing as I do your sense of justice and your humane instincts I feel that I am entitled, in view of the humble part that I have taken to promote your interests on this side, to ask you whether this latter report is correct. 1 cannot, believe that you have wrongly countenanced a movement to place the cruel and unjust despotism of the Stamboul Government above the inter- ests of humanity, for if any country has crippled these interests m the East it has surely been Turkey. I am personally familiar wim the condition* in Syria and Armenia and I can only suppose that it the report which the Times has published is correct, you have thrown to one side, your moral responsibilities and allied yourself with one of the prevailing anarchies. However, until I hear that this .is not your attitude, I cannot prejudice my mind. Perhaps you will do me the favour of sending me a reply."

I have sent a reply to the writer. But as the view? expressed in the quotation are likely to be shared by many of rrn' English friends and as I do not wish, if I can possibly help it, to forefeit their friendship or their esteem, I shall endeavour to state my portion as clearly as I can on ihe Khilafat question. The letter shows what rbk public men run through irresponsible journalism. I have not seen the Timts report referred to by my friend. But it is evident that the report has made the writer to suspect my alliance ^with " the prevailing anarchies " and to think that I have thrown to side " my " moral responsibilities.'!

It is just my SeVisfc of moral responsibilities which has emeUke up the Khjlifat question and to identify myself entirely w^Mbe! Mahomedans. h ,s perfectly true that I am assisting; and countenancing the union between Hindus and Muslims, but certainly not with "a vie* of embarrassing England and the Allied Powers in the matter of the difcmfemtterment of the Ottoman Empite." It is con- ttary to my creed to embarrass, governments or anvbodvefse.

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