Page:The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, vol. 1.djvu/167

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Do you know anything about Christianity? If so, what do you think of it?

The Christians hold that the Bible is divinely inspired and that Christ was an incarnation of God, being His son. Was He?

Were all the Old Testament prophecies fulfilled in Christ? Can anyone remember his past lives or have an idea of his future lives?

If yes, who can?

You have given the names of some who have attained moksha.

What is the authority for this statement?

What makes you say that even Buddha did not attain moksha?

What will finally happen to this world?

Will the world be morally better off in the future?

Is there anything like total destruction of the world?

Can an illiterate person attain moksha by bhakti alone?

Rama and Krishna are described as incarnations of God. What does that mean? Were they God Himself or only a part of Him? Can we attain salvation through faith in them?

Who were Brahma, Vishnu and Siva?

If a snake is about to bite me, should I allow myself to be bitten o r should I kill it, supposing that that is the only way in which I can save myself?

[From Gujarati]

Shrimad Rajachandra, pp. 292 et seq.

4 Gandhiji put Raychandbhai some questions in a letter written sometime before June 1894. The original being untraceable the questions have been extracted from Raychandbhai's reply. The source indicates that a few more questions asked were omitted and hence their text is not available. For Raychandbhai's answers, vide Vol. XXXII, Appendix I; also An Autobiography, Pt. II, Ch. I.
5 The supreme goal of spiritual life, liberation from phenomenal existence
6 Without origin or beginning

Petition to Natal Legislative Assembly (28-6-1894)


June 28, 1894


The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of the Colony of Natal
the Petition of the Indians Resident in the Colony of Natal

Humbly Sheweth that:

1. Your Petitioners are British subjects, who have come from India and settled in the Colo