Page:The Great Trial of Mahatma Gandhi.pdf/18

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subject-matter of the charge were read out to Mahatma Gandhi and Sjt. Banker by an officer of the court. When the reading was over the Judge turned to Mahatmaji and asked him whether he pleaded guilty or otherwise to the charge. There was a hush in the court-house. With a dignity all his own and a serenity beyond praise Mahatmaji stood up and in clear and distinct tone pleaded guilty to the charge and sat down. The learned Advocate-General opened the case for the prosecution. His voice was not quite audible throughout the ball. Now it rose, now it fell. He did not make, nor did he attempt to make any long speech. But he was careful about his words and be gave one the impression of performing a task rather disagreeable and unpleasant. On the whole he did not take more than 20 minutes. There was again a hush when the Advocate General sat down. The Judge asked Mahatmaji whether he wished to make a statement the question of sentence. Mahatmaji stood up and spoke a few words complimenting the Advocate-General on big fairness and endorsing every statement he made regarding the charges, “I wish to endorse all the blame that the Advocate-