Page:The Great Trial of Mahatma Gandhi.pdf/9

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Preface (not in the original ToC) v
Foreword ix
Introduction 1
The Trial
Charge against the accused 9
Advocate-General's speech 12
Statement of Mahatma Gandhi 19
Judgment and sentence 32
Mahatma Gandhi's reply 35
Appendix I. The offending articles
(a) Tampering with Loyalty 37
(b) The Puzzle and its Solution 42
(c) Shaking the Manes 46
Appendix II. If I am arrested 50
Appendix III. The scene at the Ashram when Mahatma Gandhi was arrested 58
Appendix IV. Preliminary enquiry before the Magistrate 60
Appendix V. Mahatmaji in prison 63
Appendix VI.
(a) How to Release Mahatmaji by Anasuya Sarabhai 69
(b) Dwijendranath Tagore’s Impressions 71