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news of the arrests of the three brave ladies reached them. So also Mr. Raza Ali, member of the Council of State, has sent a telegram of warning and protest to the Viceroy. Four M. L. A.’s have issued a statement to the press under their signatures urging Government to call a round table conference of leaders of all shades of political thought in the country. Mr. A. C. Banerji writes to the press that Sir Surendranath Banerji has authorised him to state that the latter has no hand in the repressive policy inaugurated by the Government of Bengal. If this be true, I do not understand how Sir Surendranath can remain in office and at the same time authorize Mr. Banerji to publish the statement. But what is the good, pray, of these protests, manifestoes, statements, and resentments if they are going to hold fast to their posts notwithstanding? Did not Mr. Samarth speaking on behalf of the Moderate deputation, tell the Parliamentary Joint Committee that if certain demands which he named were not granted there would be an agitation in the country of such a character that it may stagger imagination? Mr. Samarth’s prophecy has no doubt come true; but alas where is Mr. Samarth? Did not