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in Calcutta “the last and successful field” and that is what I fairly believe it to be. In a short time the country will see what could not be accomplished in the last three years by the whole country, will be done by Calcutta within a few days. Of course to bring all this to a final issue only one further step was necessary but I am not now anxious on this score as I believe that the Government of Bengal will complete our work by its own actions. If both myself and Mr. C. R. Das are arrested within the next two or three days the incident will bring a new life and awakening not only to Calcutta but to the whole of Bengal. The last three years of my Liberty could not arouse Bengal from its profound sleep but I hope our arrest would do that in a moment.

In my arrest I see a new turn on the part of the Mussalmans of India and I especially look upon my brothers in the Punjab and N. W. Frontier and Behar. My Muslim brothers of these provinces have always given a willing and an affectionate ear to my words and have always believed in and relied upon them. For the last 10 years they have been the centre of all my hopes. I believe that my arrest will prove for them my last message. By my silence after my arrest they will understand fully what I