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stopped! I ask again, have the students of Calcutta no answer to make?


Calcutta, Dec. 10.

Just after his arrest Mr. Das sent the following message—:

“This is my last message to you, men and women of India. Victory is in sight if you are prepared to win it by suffering. It is in such agony as that through which we are passing that nations are born, but you must bear this agony with fortitude, with courage and with perfect self-composure.

Remember that so long as you follow the path of non-violence you put the bureaucracy in the wrong, but move by a hair's breadth from the path which Mahatma Gandhi has mapped out for you and you give away the battle to the bureaucracy.

Swaraj is our goal, Swaraj not in compartments, not by instalments, but Swaraj whole and entire. Now it is for you, men and women to say whether we shall attain the goal for which we are striving.

To my Moderate friends I say this. Survey the history of the world from the beginning of all times. Has any nation yet won freedom by