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gap should be filled immediately whenever the necessity arises. Mussalmans should vie with their Hindu brethren in facing the repression with the utmost firmness, patience and fortitude and should cheerfully fill the jails one after another. This is a struggle for existence and let the Mussalmans give proof of their traditional strength, energy and self-sacrifice. Victory is ours only if our people stand firm. The Khilafat cause has awakened united India and let the Mussalmans champion the great cause and take the lead in gaining Swaraj by peacefully following the country's programme even under the gravest provocation, so that when Khilafat wrongs are redressed and Swaraj attained the good name of Mussalmans should ever shine on the horizon of history as saviour of the freedom of their faith and country.


Text of Massages

Lala Shankarlal's:

My message to my fellow countrymen and young workers is that I desire to do away with the calamities that have bound India with chains of slavery. Young men ought to enlist as volunteers in their hundreds and follow me. Our Lord Srikrishna who came into the world for our