Page:The art of kissing (IA artofkissing987wood).djvu/32

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lips now surround hers, as if they were going to engulf them. The electric tingling sensation is hers as well as yours. Sooner or later, she will follow your example, and open her lips slightly. Now is the time to let your tongue speak wordlessly for you. After a long and intense kiss, accompanied by a definite hug or squeeze, you can sit back for a moment's breathing-space. Your girl is no longer unkissed: she has reached the class of the kissed girl, the experienced girl.

The Sophisticated Kiss.—The kissing of an experienced girl is a different matter. Again, it is the man's task to decide, from all the evidence furnished by the girl's reception of his tentative approaches, just how experienced she is, and just how she expects to be kissed. A girl only slightly experienced must be kissed, at the beginning, as slowly and only a bit less respectfully than the sweet unkissed; a girl fully experienced in love will regard such tardiness as a proof that the man is, to use the elegant slang, as slow as a train on the Erie. The general rule is to give as much as you are expected to give: and if you are not too much of a blunderer, it is better to err on the side of giving too much, than too little. Women may forgive an excess of passion in the kiss: for, after all, they too unconsciously desire to be roused into passion. A woman rarely forgives the man who under-kisses her, who gives her less than she desires.

A girl's kiss is self-revealing to a man. If the lips are kept closed and the kiss is deco-