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Books of Love and Passion:
344Don Juan; A Passion in the Desert. Balzac
675Sarah Bernhardt's Philosophy of Love
066Crimes of the Borgias. Balzac
319Comtesse de Sainte-Geran. Alexander Dumas
178One of Cleopatra's Nights. Theophile Gautier
345Clarimonde: A Supernatural Passion. Theophile Gautier
230Fleece of Gold. Theophile Gautier
540Stories of Many Hues. Remy de Gourmont
377A Night in the Luxembourg. Remy de Gourmont
541Brightly Colored Tales. Remy de Gourmont
582Philosophic Nights in Paris. Remy de Gourmont
379The King Enjoys Himself (Drama). Victor Hugo
021Carmen. Prosper Merimee
314Short Stories. Alphonse Daudet
196The Marquis. George Sand
087Love: An Essay. Montaigne
085The Attack on the Mill. Emile Zola
888Memoirs of Madame de Stael
871Love Letters of Abelard and Heloise
438-439Secret Memoirs of Madame de Pompadour (2 vols.)
355Aucassin and Nicolete: Famous French Lovers. Andrew Lang
107Dream Woman; Yellow Tiger. Wilkie Collins
595The Happy Hypocrite. Max Beerbohm
285Euphorian in Texas. George Moore
307A Tillyloss Scandal. J. M. Barrie
577The Lifted Veil. George Eliot
058Tales from the Decameron. Boccaccio
672Illicit Love and Other Tales. Boccaccio
673Tales of Love and Life. Boccaccio
909Amorous Tales of the Monks
123Madame du Barry: A King's Mistress. Tichenor
395Cellini: Sculptor, Lover, Debauchee
236Heart Affairs of Henry VIII
747The True Story of Eleonora Duse's Love Affair with D'Annunzio. Luigi del Riccio
363Miggles, and Other Stories. Bret Harte
659Two Short Stories. Theodore Dreiser