1382598Ælfric's Lives of Saints — The MaccabeesÆlfric

kal. a[u]gustvs. passio sanctorvm machabeorum.

Æfter Ðam Ðe Alexander se egefulla cyning001
to-dælde his rice his dyrlingum ge-hƿilcum
on his forð-siðe · ⁊ hi fengon to rice
gehƿylc on his healfe · þa ƿeoxon fela yfelu
ƿide geond eorðan for ðæra cyninga geƿinne ·

An ðæra cyninga ƿæs heora eallra for-cuðost ·006
arleas ⁊ upp-ahafen antiochus gehaten ·
se feaht on ægypta | lande ⁊ afligde ðone cyning ·
⁊ ferde syððan to hierusalem mid mycelre fyrde ·
⁊ be-reafode godes templ goldes ⁊ seolfres ·
⁊ fela gold-hordas forð mid him gelæhte ·
⁊ ða halgan maðm-fatu ⁊  mære ƿeofod ·
⁊ ofsloh þæs folces fela on ðære byrig ·
⁊ modelice spræc on his mihta truƿigende ·

Eft æfter sumū fyrste asende se cyning015
on ærend-geƿritum ·  ealle menn gebugon
to his hæðen-scipe ⁊ to his gesetnyssū ·
⁊ asende to hierusalē iudeiscre byrig
on þære ƿæs ða geƿurðod se eall-ƿealdende god
æfter ðære ealdan · ǽ · þe hi ana þa heoldon ·
⁊ het hi gebugan frā gode ⁊ frā his biggengum ·
⁊ arærde  deofol-gild uppon [drihtnes] ƿeofode ·
⁊ het hi ealle offrian to ðære anlicnysse ·
⁊ ælcne acƿellan þe ƿið-cƿæde his hæsum ·

Ƿearð þa mycel angsumnyss on eallū þam folce025
þe on god gelyfdon for ðam gramlicū dædum ·
⁊ manega gebugon to ðam manfullan hæðengilde ·
⁊ eac fela ƿið-cƿædon þæs cyninges hæsum ·
⁊ ƿoldon heora lif forlætan ærþan ðe heora ge-leafan ·
⁊ noldon hi fýlan mid þam fulan hæðenscype ·
ne godes ǽ to-brecan þe hi on bocum ræddon ·

Hƿæt þa ƿearð gelæht sum geleafful bocere ·032
har-ƿencge ⁊ eald · se hatte eleazarus ·
⁊ hi betsungon him on muþ mid mycelre ðreatunge
þone fulan mete þe moyses forbead
godes folce to þicgenne · for þære gastlican getacnunge ·

Ƿe moton nu secgan sƿutellicor be ðysum ·037
hƿylce mettas ƿæron mannū forbodene
on ðære ealdan · ǽ · þe mann ett nu sƿa-ðeah ·

Moyses for-bead for mycelre getacnunge040
on ðære eal|dan · ǽ · æfter godes dihte
þa nytenu to etanne þā ealdan folce
þe heora [cudu] ne ceoƿað ⁊ het ða unclæne ·
⁊ þa þe synd gehofode on horses gelicnysse
unto-clofenū claƿum · ƿæron unclæne eac ·
þa clænan nytenu þe heora cudu ceoƿað ·
getacniað þa men þe on heora mode smeagað
embe godes ƿillan · syððan hi his ƿord gehyrað
of lareoƿa muðū sƿylce hi heora mete ceóƿan ·

And [sic @ Skeat] ða synd unclæne þe heora cudu ne ceoƿað ·050
for-ðan þe hi getacniað þa ðe tela nellað ·
ne nellað leornian hƿæt gode leof sy ·
ne on heora mode ƿealcan þæs hælendes beboda ·
⁊ syndon for-ðy unclæne sƿa sƿa ða forcuðan nytenu ·

Þa nytenu synd clæne þe to-cleofað heora claƿa055
⁊ heora cudu ceoƿað · hi getacniað þa geleaffullan
on godes gelaðunge · þe mid geleafan underfoð
þa ealdan gecyðnysse ⁊ cristes gesetnysse ·
 is seo ealde · ǽ · ⁊ seo niƿe gecyðnyss ·
⁊ ceoƿað godes beboda symle mid smeagunge ·

Þa nytenu ƿæron unclæne gecƿedene on þære · ǽ ·061
þe ne to-cleofað heora claƿa þeah ðe hi cudu ceoƿan ·
oððe gif hi to-cleofað ⁊ ceoƿan nellað
for ðære getacnunge þe ða toƿerd ƿæs ·
 ƿe to-cléofan ure claƿa on þam tƿam gecyðnyssum ·
on ðære ealdan · ⁊ on ðære niƿan  is · ǽ · ⁊ godspel ·
⁊  ƿe on mode smeagan þæs ælmihtigan hæse ·
⁊ se ðe aþor forlæt · se leofað unclæne ·

Sƿa sƿa ða iudeiscan þe urne drihten forseoð ·069
⁊ his godspel bodunge to bysmre habbað
syndon unclæne · ⁊ criste andsæte
þeah ðe hi moyses · ǽ · on heora muðe ƿealcon ·
⁊ nellað under-standan butan  steaflice ⁊git ·

Fela ƿæron forbodene godes folce on ðære · ǽ ·074
| þe nu syndon clæne æfter cristes to-cyme ·
siððan paulus cƿ̅ to þam cristenum ðus ·

Omnia munda mundis.  is on englisc076

Ealle ðincg syndon clæne þā clænū mannū ·077
þam ungeleaffullan ⁊ unclænū nis nan þincg clæne ·

Hara ƿæs ða unclæne forðan ðe he [nis] clifer-fete ·079
⁊ sƿín ƿæs ða unclæne forðan þe hit ne ceoƿ his cudu ·

Sume ƿæron þa fule þe nu synd eac fule ·081
ac hit biþ to langsū eall her to logigenne
be ðam clænū nytenū · oððe be þam unclænum
on ðære ealdan · ǽ · þe mann étt nu sƿa-ðeah ·

Þa ƿolde eleazarus ƿerlice sƿeltan085
ærðan þe he godes · ǽ · forgegan ƿolde ·
⁊ nolde forsƿelgan ðas spices snæd
þe hi him on muð bestungon · forðan þe moyses for-bead
sƿýn to etenne sƿa sƿa ƿe ær sædon ·

Þa bædon ða cƿelleras for heora eald cyððe ·090
 hi moston hī beran unforboden flæsc ·
⁊ dyde sƿilce he æte of ðam offrung-spice ·
⁊ sƿa mid ðære hiƿunge him sylfum geburge ·

Ða cƿ̅ eleazarus ·094

Ic eom eald to hiƿigenne ·094
⁊ ƿenað þa geongan  ic ƿille for-gægan
godes gesetnysse for ðisum sceortan life ·
⁊ bið þonne min hiƿung him to forƿyrde ·
⁊ ic sylf beo and-sæte þurh sƿylce gebysnunge ·

Ðeah ðe ic beo ahred frā manna reðnysse ·099
ic ne mæg þam almihtigan ahƿar ætberstan ·
on life oþþe on deaðe · ac ic læte bysne
þam iungum cnihtum gif ic cenlice sƿelte
arƿurðum deaðe for ðære halgan · ǽ ·

Þa ƿurdon ða cƿelleras þe him cuðlice to-spræcon ·104
sƿyðe geyrsode for ðære andsƿare ·
⁊ tugon hine to þam ƿitum  he ƿurde acƿeald ·
⁊ he ða mid geleafan his líf ge-endode ·

Þær ƿurdon eac gelæhte · ⁊ | gelædde to ðam cynincge ·108
seofon gebroðra sƿyðe ge-lyfede ·
⁊ heora modor samod · ⁊ hi man mid sƿingle ðreade ·
 hi etan sceoldon ongean godes · ǽ · spicc ·

Þa cƿ̅ se yldesta · hƿæt axast ðu æt us ·112
ƿe synd gearƿe to sƿeltenne sƿyðor þonne to forgægenne
ures scyppendes · ǽ · þe he gesette þurh [moysen.]
þa yrsode se cynincg · ⁊ het for-ceorfan his tungan ·
⁊ hine behættian ⁊ his handa forceorfan ·
⁊ eac befotian · ⁊ het feccan ænne hƿer
⁊ hine þær-on seoðan · oð  he saƿlode
ætforan his gebroþrum  hi abúgan sceoldon ·

Hƿæt þa six gebroþra hi sylfe þa tihton ·120
⁊ seo modor samod secgende him betƿynan ·
 hi sƿeltan ƿoldon · for godes gesetnyssum; [sic @ Skeat]
god sylf gefrefrað us sƿa sƿa moyses gesƿutelode
on ðære fiftan béc ·  is  god ge-frefrað his ðeoƿan ·
þa gebundon ða cƿelleras þone oþerne broðor ·
⁊ hine behættedon hetelice · ⁊ axodon
hƿæðer he etan ƿolde arðan þe he behamelod ƿurde ·

He cƿ̅  he nolde · ⁊ hé ðá gelice ƿitu ·128
sƿa sƿa his yldra broðor ardlice under-feng ·
⁊ cƿ̅ to ðam cyninge þe hi acƿellan het ·

Ðu forscyldegodesta cynincg · ofslihst us ⁊ amyrst ·131
ac se ælmihtiga cyning us eft arærð
to þam ecan life · nu ƿe for his · ǽ · sƿeltað ·

Hi bundon ðone þryddan ⁊ mid bysmore [heton]134
his tungan forð-ræcan · ⁊ he hraðe sƿa dyde ·
⁊ his handa him ræhte ⁊ mid anrædnysse cƿæð ·

Ðas lima ic hæfde þurh ðone heofonlican cynincg ·137
ac ic hi nu forseo for his gesetnysse ·
forþan þe ic hopie to him ·  ic hi eft under-fó æt him ·

And [sic @ Skeat] se cynincg ƿundrode ⁊ þa þe mid hī ƿæron140
ðæs cnihtes anrædnysse  he ða cƿylmincge | forseah

Æfter ðyses forð-siðe · hi ge-fengon ðone feorðan ·142
⁊ eall-sƿa getintregedon · ac he anrædlice cƿ̅.

Selre us is to sƿeltenne ⁊ soðlice anbidian144
þæs ecan æristes · æt ðam ælmihtigan gode ·
ac ðe ne bið nan ærist to ðam ecan life ·

Se ða ge-endode mid anrædum geleafan ·147
⁊ hi gefengon to dreccenne þone fiftan broðor ·

He beseah ða to ðam cynincge · ⁊ cƿ̅. him þus to ·149

Nu ðu mihte hæfst betƿux mannū sume hƿile ·150
þu dest sƿa sƿa ðu ƿylt · ac ne ƿen ðu sƿaðeah
 se god us forlæte þe ƿe on gelyfað ·
þu afindst his mihte ungefyrn on ðe sylfum ·
hu he þe tintregað teartlice on ƿitum ·

Se geendode ða · ⁊ hi ardlice gelæhton155
þone sixtan broðor · ⁊ he sƿeltende · cƿ̅.

Ne dƿela ðu on idel · þeah ðe drihten ðe geþafige157
 ƿe for urum synnū to sƿylcere ƿæfersyne synd ·
⁊ ne ƿen ðu na be þé  þu unge-ƿitnod beo ·
nu ðu ƿinst ongean god · ⁊ se ge-ƿat þa sƿa sona ·

Þa ƿundrode heora modor  hi sƿa ƿel ongunnon ·161
⁊ heo mid bliþum mode hyre bearn æfre tihte ·
ælcne on-sundron ⁊ sæde heom eallum ·

Ne fegde ic eoƿre lima · ne ic eoƿ lif ne forgeaf ·164
ac middan-eardes scyppend eoƿ sealde gast · ⁊ lif ·
⁊ he eft eoƿ for-gifð  ece lif mid him
sƿa sƿa ge nu syllað eoƿ sylfe for his · ǽ ·

Hƿæt ða antiochus se arleasa cynincg168
behet þam anū cnapan þe þær cucu ƿæs þa git
mycele ƿoruld-æhta gif he ƿolde him abugan
⁊ bæd eac ða modor  heo hire bearn tihte ·
 he huru ana abuge þeah þe his gebroðra noldon ·
⁊ seo modor behet hī  heo ƿolde hine læran ·

Þa abeah seo modor | to hire bearne ⁊ cƿ̅ ·174

Gemiltsa me min sunu ic ðe to men gebær ·175
beseoh nu to heofonū · ⁊ besceaƿa þas eorðan ·
⁊ ealle ða ge-sceafta  him on synd nu ·
⁊ under-stand be ðam hu se ælmihtiga god
hi ealle gesceop butan antimbre of nahte ·
⁊ ne forhta ðu ana for ðysum feondlican cƿellere ·
ac under-foh þone deað sƿa sƿa ðine gebroðra dydon ·
 ic ðe eft under-fó on eadignysse mid heom ·

Þa clypode se iungling to ðam cƿellerū þus · ⁊ cƿ̅.183

Hƿæs andbidige ge · ne beo ic184
na gehyrsum þæs cyninges hæsum ·
ac godes bebodū þe he bebead þurh moysen ·
⁊ þu manfulla cyning þinre modignysse scealt
soðlice on godes dome susle ðroƿian ·

Ic sylle min agen lif · ⁊ minne lichaman samod189
for godes gesetnyssū · sƿa sƿa mine six gebroðra ·
⁊ ic clypige to gode  he urū cynne gemiltsige ·
⁊  he dó mid ƿitum  ðu ƿite  he is ana god ·
þa ƿearð se cynincg ƿælhreoƿ þam cnihte
ofer ealle þa oðre þa he ær acƿealde
for ðære forseƿennysse · ⁊ sé gesæliga cniht
on þam teartum ƿitū geƿát þa of life
mid fullum geleafan · ⁊ seo geleaffulle modor
ƿearð eac acƿeald æt-foran þam cyninge ·
æfter hire seofon sunum gesæliglice for gode ·

Þyssera martyra gemynd is on hlaf-mæssan dæg ·200
sƿa ƿide sƿa godes þeoƿas godes þenunge gymað ·

Manega halgan ƿæron under moyses · ǽ ·202
ac ƿe nabbað heora gemynd mid nanū mæsse-dæge
butan þyssera gebroðra þe sƿa bealdlice ðroƿodon ·

Item. [§II.]

Ƿe ƿyllað eac aƿritan hu  geƿinn ge-endode ·205
⁊ hu se ælmihtiga god þa arleasan afligde
mid my|celre sceame · sƿa sƿa us sægð seo racu ·

Mathathias ƿæs gehaten sum heah godes þægn ·208
se hæfde fif suna ful cene mid him ·
an hatte iohannes · oðer symon ·
ðridda Iudas · feorða eleazárus ·
fifta ionathas · binnan hierusalem; [sic @ Skeat]
þas bemændan sarlice mid sƿyðlicre heofunge ·
 hi sƿylce yrmðe gesaƿon on heora life ·
⁊ noldon abúgan to ðam bysmorfullan hæðen-scipe ·

Þa asende se cynincg to ðam fore-sædan ðegene ·216
⁊ het hi ealle búgan to his blindum godū ·
⁊ him lac offrian · ⁊ forlætan godes · ǽ ·
ac mathathias nolde þam manfullan gehyran ·
ne godes · ǽ · forgægan for his gramlican ðreate ·

Efne þa eode on heora eallra gesihðe221
án Iudeisc mann to þā deofol-gilde ·
⁊ ge-offrode his lac sƿa sƿa antiochus hét ·

Hƿæt ða mathathias on mode ƿearð ge-ang-sumod ·224
⁊ ræsde to ðam ƿere þe ðær ƿolde offrian ·
⁊ ofsloh hine sona · ⁊ siððan þone oþerne
þæs cynincges ðegn · þe hine ðær-to neadode ·
⁊ to-ƿearp  deofol-gild · ⁊ ƿearð him aƿege ·

Clypode þa hlude · ælc þe geleafan hæbbe ·229
⁊ godes · ǽ · recce · gange him to me ·

He fleah ða to ƿestene · ⁊ fela manna mid him231
mid anrædū mode · ⁊ ða manfullan for-saƿon.

Þa asende se cynincg him sona æfter233
mycele meniu to ðā ƿid-gillum muntum ·
þær hi floc-mælū ferdon mid heora hiƿum ·

Þa ƿearð þær ofslagen sū dæl þæs folces236
þe on fyrlene ƿæs fram mathathian
forðan þe hi noldon [feohtan] on þā freols-dæge ·
ac leton hi ofslean on unscæððignysse ·
 ƿerod ƿeox ða sƿyðe þe ƿæs mid mathathian ·
⁊ hi anrædlice fuhton · ⁊ afligdon ða hæðenan
| mid mycelre strængðe · þe modegodon ongean god ·

Mathathias þa ferde mid his maga fultume243
⁊ ehte þæra hæþenra · ⁊ mid ealle adræfde ·
⁊ godes · ǽ · arærde · ⁊ him eac god fylste ·

He ealdode þa · ⁊ his ende genealæhte ·246
⁊ lærde his suna mid geleafan ⁊ cƿæð ·

Onginnað nu þegenlice · nu eoƿ þearf mycel is ·248
⁊ syllað eoƿer agen líf for ðære soðfæstan · ǽ ·
⁊ for ura fædera cyðnysse · hit cymð eoƿ to ƿuldre ·

Beoð gemyndige nu mine bearn ·251
hu se mæra abraham on mycelre costnunge
gode ƿæs getryƿe · ⁊ him com  to riht-ƿysnysse ·

Eall-sƿa ioseph · ⁊ hiesus naue ·254
dauid · ⁊ danihel · ⁊ ealle ða þe on god truƿodon ·
ƿurdon æfre getrymde · for heora tryƿðe ƿið hine ·

Beoð nu gehyrte · ⁊ gehihtað on god ·257
⁊ healdað mid ðegen-scipe ða halgan godes · ǽ ·
forðan þe ge beoð ƿuldor-fulle on hire ·

Ne forhtige ge ic bidde for ðæs fyrn-fullan þreatum ·260
forðan þe his ƿuldor is ƿyrms · ⁊ meox ·
nu todæg he modegað · ⁊ to-mergen he ne bið ·
he aƿent to eorðan · ⁊ his geðoht forƿyrð ·

Eoƿer broðor symon is snotor · ⁊ rædfæst ·264
he bið eoƿ for fæder folgiað his rædum ·

Iudas machabeus is mihtig · ⁊ strang ·266
beo he eoƿer ealdor on ælcum gefeohte ·
⁊ gaderiað eoƿ to þa þe godes · ǽ · lufiað ·
⁊ ƿrecað eoƿer folc · on ðam fulum hæðenū ·
⁊ healdað godes · ǽ · on godum biggencgum ·

He bletsode ða his suna · ⁊ sƿa ge-ƿát of life ·271
⁊ his lic ƿæs bebyriged on his agenre byrig ·
⁊ israhel hine beƿeop on þa ealdan ƿisan ·


Hƿæt ða iudas machabeus mihtiglice arás274
on his fæder stede · ⁊ ƿiðstod his feondum ·
⁊ his feoƿer gebroðra him | fylston anrædlice
⁊ ealle ða þe ƿæron ƿunigende mid his fæder ·
⁊ fuhton ða mid blisse · ⁊ afligdon þa hæþenan ·

Iudas ða hine gescrydde mid his scinendan byrnan ·279
sƿa sƿa ormæte ent · ⁊ hine ealne geƿæpnode ·
⁊ his fyrde beƿerode ƿið fynd mid his sƿurde ·

He ƿearð þa leon gelic on his geƿinnum · ⁊ dædum ·282
⁊ todræfde þa arleasan · ⁊ his eðel gerymde ·

His fynd þa flugon afyrhte for him ·284
⁊ ealle ða yfel-ƿyrcendan ƿurdon gedræfde ·
⁊ seo hæl ƿearð gesped on iudan handum ða ·
⁊ he geblissode his cynn þe ƿæs gecƿeden iacob ·
⁊ his hlisa þa asprang to þam ytemestan landū ·

Ða gegaderode appollonius sū gramlic heretoga289
of samarian byrig sƿyðlice fyrde ·
⁊ of manegum ðeodum menn to ge-feohte
to-geanes israel ⁊ iudan mægðe ·
ac iudas him com to · ⁊ acƿealde hine sona ·
⁊ fela his folces · ⁊ ða oðre ætflugon ·

Iudas ða gelæhte þæs appollonies sƿurd ·295
 ƿæs mærlic ƿæpn · ⁊ he ƿann mid þam
on ælcū gefeohte on eallū his life ·

Eft ða ƿæs sum heretoga gehaten seron298
on syrian lande · se · cƿ̅ · to his leode ·

Ic ƿille ƿyrcan me naman ⁊ ofer-ƿinnan iudan ·300
⁊ þa ðe him mid synd þe forsaƿon ðone cyning ·

He gesamnode þa his fyrde · ⁊ ferde mid prasse302
to iudea lande · ⁊ fela leoda mid him ·

Iudas þa him com to · ⁊ his geferan cƿædon ·304

Hu mage ƿe þus feaƿa feohtan ongean ðas meniu ·305
nu ƿe synd geƿæhte mid geƿinne ⁊ mete-leaste ·

Iudas him andƿyrde anrædlice ⁊ cƿæð ·307

Nis nan earfoðnyss ðam ælmihtigan gode308
on feaƿū mannum · oððe on micclum ƿerode
to helpen|ne on ge-feohte · ⁊ healdan þa ðe he ƿile ·
forðan þe se sige bið symle of heofonū ·

Ðas cumað to us sƿylce hi cenran syndon312
⁊ ƿillað us fordon · ⁊ aƿestan ure land ·
ƿe soðlice feohtað for us sylfe ƿið hi ·
⁊ for godes · ǽ · ⁊ god hi eac fordeð
ætforan ure gesihðe · ne forhtige ge nates hƿón ·

Æfter ðyssere spræce hi eodon to-gædere ·317
⁊ iudas ða afligde þone fore-sædan seron
⁊ his here samod mid sƿyðlicre bylde ·
⁊ þær ƿurdon ofslagene eahta hund ƿera ·
⁊ ða oðre ætflugon to philistea lande ·

Iudan ege ða asprang ƿide geond land ·322
⁊ his gebroðra oga ofer ealle ða hæðenan ·
⁊ ealle þeoda spræcon hu ðegenlice hi fuhton ·

Iudea land ƿæs ða lange butan cyninge325
on eallum þysum geƿinnū · ac hí ƿerode iudas ·
⁊ eft his gebroðra æfter his geendunge ·


Hƿæt ða ƿearð gecydd þam cyninge Antioche328
embe iudan sige · ⁊ he gesƿearc ða on mode ·
⁊ sende ða his here mid anum heah-þegne
lísias gehaten on iudea lande ·
on ðære fyrde ƿæron feoƿertig þusenda ·
⁊ seofon þusenda sƿyðe geƿæpnode ·
⁊ comon ða mid þrymme to iudeiscum cynne ·

Iudas þa gehyrte his geferan mid ƿordum ·335
⁊ fæston ænne dæg fultumes biddende
æt þam ælmihtigan gode ·  he hi gemundian sceolde ·
⁊ his halige templ healdan ƿið þa hæðenan ·

Hi ferdon ða gehyrte to þam gefeohte ƿerd ·339
⁊ iudas eft ða spræc to eallum his geferum ·
beoð ymb-gyrde stranglice to þysum stiðan geƿinne ·
forðan þe us is selre  ƿe [sƿelton] on gefeohte ·
þonne þas yrmðe geseon on urū | cynne ðus
⁊ on urū halig-dome · ac sƿa sƿa se heofonlica god
ƿylle dón be ús · geƿurðe hit sƿa ·

Beoð gemyndige hu mihtiglice he ahredde346
ure fæderas íu · ƿið pharaó þone kyning
on ðære readan sǽ on þære ðe he besanc to grunde;

Uton clypian to heofonum  god ure helpe ·349
⁊ to-brýte þisne here ·  þa hæðenan to-cnaƿon
 nis nan oðer god þe israhel alyse ·

Machabeus þa genealæhte mid lytlum ƿerode ·352
 ƿæron ðreo þusend þe him ða gelæstan ƿolde ·

Hi [bleoƿon] þa heora byman ⁊ bealdlice fuhton ·354
oð  þa hæðenan flugon · to fyrlenum landum ·
⁊ iudas hi to-ðræfde sƿa sƿa deor to ƿuda ·

Þær ƿurdon ofslagene sume þreo þusend ·357
⁊ iudas þa funde þa ða he frā fyrde gecyrde
gold · ⁊ seolfor · godeƿeb · ⁊ purpuran ·
⁊ fela oðre here-reaf on þam fyrd-ƿicum ·
⁊ hi þancodon ða gode eallre his godnysse ·

Eft on ðam oþrū geare geanlæhte lisias362
fif ⁊ sixtig þusenda fyrdendra þegena ·
⁊ ƿolde ofer-feohtan  iudeisce folc ·

Iudas ða machabeus micclū on god truƿode ·365
⁊ ferde him togeanes mid þam folce þe he hæfde ·
 ƿæron tƿelf þusend ƿigendra manna ·
⁊ iudas hine gebæd þa ⁊ bletsode his scyppend ·
gebletsod eart ðu ælmihtig israhela hælend ·
þu ðe to-bryttest iu þone breman here
on dauides handum · to-brýt nu ðas hæðenan
on þines folces handum · ⁊ mid fyrhte ge-egsa ·
alege hi mid sƿurdum ðe lufigendra
 ealle þe herian · þe gehyrað þinne naman ·

Hi slogon þa togædere unslaƿe mid ƿæpnum ·375
⁊ þær feollon ða hæþenan fif ðusend ofslagene ·
⁊ lisias fleah mid þære fyrd-lafe ·

| Þa cƿ̅ iudas to his geferum  he ða fylðe ƿolde adón378
of þam godes temple · þe se gramlica antiochus
þær aræran hét on hæðene ƿisan ·
⁊ hi ferdon ða to · ⁊ þa fylðe adydon ut
of ðam godes huse · ⁊ godes lof arærdon
æfter moyses · ǽ · mid mycelre blysse ·
⁊ offrodon gode lác mid geleafan ⁊ sange ·


Iudas ða hine beƿende ⁊ ƿan ƿið ða hæðenan ·385
forðan ðe hi ƿoldon aƿestan þa iudeiscan ·
ac iudas hi ofer-feaht ⁊ aflymde hi æfre ·
⁊ heora burga forbernde ⁊ hí to bysmore taƿode ·

Efne ða on sumū dæge · sende man to iudan389
ærend-geƿritu frā israhela ðeode ·
⁊ cyddon  þa hæþenan hæfdon hi besetene ·
⁊ ofslagen hæfdon sum þusend manna ·

Eac on oðre healfe him comon ærendracan to ·393
of galileiscum lande heora lifes orƿene ·
⁊ cyddon  ða hæðenan him comon to gehƿanon ·
⁊ ƿoldon hi fordón ⁊ adilegian heora eard ·

Iudas ða be-fran his geferan rædes ·397
⁊ cƿ̅ to simone his ge-sceadƿisan breþer ·

Geceos ðe nu fultum · ⁊ far to galilea ·399
⁊ gehelp ðinum magū ðe ða manfullan besittað ·
ic ⁊ ionathas min gingra broðor ·
farað to galááð to afligenne þa hæðenan ·

He gesette ða heafod-menn · to gehealdenne  folc ·403
⁊ bead  hi ne ferdon to nanū gefeohte
ongean ða hæðenan oð  he ham come ·

Simon ða genam þreo ðusend mid him ·406
⁊ iudas ⁊ ionathas eahta þusenda ·
⁊ symon feaht gelome · ⁊ aflymde ða hæðenan ·
⁊ his magas ahredde ƿið heora reðnysse ·
⁊ to lande gebrohte mid mycelre blisse ·

Iudas éác ferde | ofer iordanen ða éá411
geond  ƿidgille ƿæsten · ⁊ geƿylde ða hæðenan ·

He com þa to anre byrig bosór gehaten ·413
on ðære ƿæron ða hæðenan þe hyndon his magas ·
þa he ealle ofsloh mid sƿurdes ecge ·
⁊ ontende ða burh ⁊ tencgde hī forð syððan ·

Efne ðæs on mergen him com sƿa mycel mennisc to417
 nan mann ne mihte ða meniu geríman ·
⁊ begunnon to feohtenne fæstlice mid cræfte ·
⁊ nyston  machabeus mid þam mannum ƿæs ·

Þa ða iudas gehyrde þæra hæðenra gehlyd ·421
⁊ þæs feohtes hream · þa ferde he him hindan to
mid ðrym scyld-truman · ⁊ sloh ða hæðenan
oð  hi oncneoƿon  se cena iudas
him ƿið-feohtende ƿæs · ⁊ ƿendon ða to horsum
ƿiston  hí ne mihton machabeo ƿið-standan ·

On þam gefeohte ƿurdon eahta ðusend ƿera427
ofslagene þæs hæðenan folces · ⁊ ða oþre æt-flugon ·

Iudas ða ferde feohtende ƿið þa hæðenan ·429
⁊ heora burga forbærnde · ⁊ hi bysmorlice ofsloh ·
þa com timotheus sum cene heretoga
mid ormætre fyrde · ⁊ gesæt æt anum forda ·

Ac iudas him com to caflice mid ƿæpnū ·433
⁊ ofer-ferdon ðone ford · ⁊ fuhton ƿið þa hæðenan
sƿa sƿa his geƿuna ƿæs · oð  hi ƿendon him fram
⁊ heora ƿæpna aƿurpon · ⁊ geƿendon to anre byrig ·
ac iudas hi for-bærnde ⁊ þa burh samod ·

He genam ða his magas of ðam manfullan ·438
mid ƿifum ⁊ mid cildrū · ⁊ geƿendon him ham ·
þa ƿæs þær an mycel burh on heora ƿege middan ·
⁊ næs nanes mannes fær on naþre healfe þære byrig
buton ðurh  port · ⁊ hi bædon | ða georne
 hi mid friðe moston faran þurh ða burh
þe hi forbugan ne mihton · ac ða burhƿare noldon
þæs færes him getyðian · ac betyndon þa gatu
mid micclum ƿeorc-stanū · ⁊ truƿodon to þam ƿealle ·

Þa ne mihte iudas mete-leas þær abidan ·447
ac het abrecan þone ƿeall þeah þe he brad ƿære ·

Eodon ða ealle inn · ⁊ ofslogon ealle ða hæðenan ·449
⁊ [aƿeston] ða burh · ⁊ ƿendon him ham-ƿerd
oþ  hi comon ansunde to lande ·
⁊ ge-offrodon heora lac þam lifigendan gode ·
þancigende his gescyldnysse  hi ealle gesunde
comon eft to heora earde · of sƿa micelre frecednysse ·

Ac heora geféran æt ham fuhton unƿærlice455
ƿið þa hæðenan leoda ofer iudan leafe
þa hƿile ðe he ute ƿæs · ⁊ ƿurdon ða ofslagene
ƿel fela manna · ða ða hi fuhton buton ƿis-dome ·

Seo æftre bóc us sægð  hí on sumne sæl fuhton ·459
þa ƿurdon hi sume besƿicene mid gitsunge
sƿa  hi feoh naman · ⁊ fracodlice [behyddon]
on heora bosmum of ðam deofollicum biggencgum
ongean godes · ǽ · ⁊ hi ealle ðær feollon
þe  feoh behyddon on ðam gefeohte ofslagene ·
⁊ heora geferan fundon  feoh on heora bosmum ·
⁊ cƿædon  god sylf ge-sƿutelode heor unriht ·
⁊ heredon godes dom þe heora digle geopenode ·

Iudas gegaderode ða godne dæl feos ·468
 ƿæron tƿelf þusend scyllinga eall hƿites seolfres ·
⁊ sende to hierusalem for heora synnum to offrigenne
heora saƿle to alysednysse þe ðær ofslagene ƿæron
æƿfæstlice under-standende be ure ealra æriste ·
buton hé gélyfde  hi æfter langum fyrste
of | deaðe arísan sceoldon þe ðær ofslagene ƿæron ·
elles he offrode on idel his lác ·
ac he soðlice besceaƿode ·  ða ðe mid soðre arfæstnysse
on deaþe ge-endiað ·  hi mid drihtne habbað
þa selestan gife on þam soðan life ·

Hit is halig geðoht · ⁊ halƿende to gebiddenne479
for ðam forð-farendū  hi fram synnum beon alysede ·


Hit sægð on þære æftran béc machabeorū þus ·481
 timotheus ðe ær fleah æt ðam forda fram iudan ·
 he eft gegaderode oþerne here him to ·
⁊ ƿolde mid ƿæpnum geƿyldan þa iudeiscan ·
⁊ com ða mid fyrde to gefeohte gearu ·
⁊ machabeus se cena clypode to gode ·
⁊ his geferan eac sƿa fultumes biddende ·
eodon þa of ðære byrig ge-bylde þurh god ·
⁊ hi fengon togadere fæstlice mid ƿæpnum ·

Hƿæt ða færlice comon fif englas of heofonum ·490
ridende on horsum mid gyldenum gerædum ·
⁊ tƿægen þæra engla on tƿa healfe iudan
feohtende ƿæron · ⁊ hine eac beƿerodon ·
⁊ hi ealle fif fuhton mid iudan
sceotiende heora flán ⁊ fyrene ligettas
on ða hæðenan leoda · oð  hi licgende sƿulton
tƿentig þusend manna ⁊ six hund ofslagene ·

Timotheus þa fleah mid fyrhte for-numen498
into anre byrig · ⁊ him æfter ferde
iudas mid fultume · ⁊ fuhton ƿið-utan
oð  hi ofer-ƿunnon ⁊ geƿyldon þa burh ·
⁊ timotheum acƿealdon þær ðær he becropen ƿæs ·
⁊ his broðor samod mid sƿurdes ecge ·

Æfter þysum dædū hi þancodon drihtne ·504
mid lofsangū ⁊ andetnyssum eallra þæra mærða
þe he ðam iudeiscū gedyde for-oft ·
⁊ him sige forgeaf · ⁊ siðe|don ða hám ·

Gif hƿa nu ƿundrige hu hit geƿurþan mihte508
 englas sceoldon ridan on gerædedum horsum ·
þonne ƿite he to soþan  us secgað gehƿǽr
ða halgan godes béc þe ne magon beon lease ·
 englas oft comon cuðlice to mannū
sƿilce on horse ridende · sƿa sƿa ƿe hér rehton ·

Þa Iudeiscan ƿæron ða dyreste gode ·514
on ðære ealdan · ǽ · forðan þe hi ana ƿurðodon
þone ælmihtigan god mid biggencgum symle ·
oþ  crist godes sunu sylf ƿearð acenned ·
of menniscū gecynde of þam Iudeiscū cynne ·
of marian þam mædene butan menniscū fæder ·

Þa noldon hi sume gelyfan  he soð god ƿære ·520
ac syrƿdon embe his lif · sƿa sƿa he sylf geðafode;

Ƿæron sƿa-þeah manega of þam [man]cynne · gode ·522
ge on ðære ealdan · ǽ · ge eac on þære niƿan ·
heah-fæderas · ⁊ ƿitegan · ⁊ halige apostolas ·
⁊ fela ðusenda þe folgiað criste ·
þeah þe hi sume ƿunian ƿiðer-ƿerde oþ þis ·

Hi sceolon sƿa-ðeah ealle on ende gelyfan ·527
ac ðær losiað to fela on þam fyrste betƿux ·
for heora heard-heortnysse ƿið þone heofonlican hælend ·


Betƿux þysum ferde se fore-sæda antiochus530
to persiscre þeode mid micclum þrymme ·
ƿolde þær ofer-ƿinnan sume ƿelige burh ·
ac he ƿearð þanon afliged ⁊ fracodlice ætbærst ·
⁊ mid micelre angsumnysse of þam earde geƿende
to babilonian ƿerd · ⁊ hī ƿearð þa gecydd
hu iudas ofer-feaht his fynd mid ƿæpnū ·
⁊ hu he geclænsod hæfde  halige godes templ
frā eallum þam fylðum þe he fyrnlice þær arærde ·
ƿearð þa geang|sumod ⁊ eac ge-untrumod
forðam þe him god gram ƿæs · ⁊ he grimetode egeslice ·
secgende ⁊ seðende  him sƿa gelumpen ƿæs ·
forðan ðe he godes templ · taƿode to bysmore ·
⁊ ða geleaffullan ƿolde of heora lande adylegian ·

Him ƿeollon þa ƿurmas of ðam [geƿitnodan] lichaman ·544
⁊ he stánc sƿa fúle  man hine ferian ne mihte ·
⁊ he ða yfele ⁊ earmlice ge-endode
on ælfremedom (sic) earde to þam ecan ƿitum ·
⁊ his sunu eupator æfter him rixode ·

Se ƿearð eac ongebroht  he ofslean ƿolde549
þa geleaffullan iudei · þe gelyfdon ða on god ·

Hi gelyfdon þa on þa ealdan ƿisan · on þone ælmihtigan god551
þeah ðe hi sume ƿið-socon siðþan þone hælend ·
⁊ eac sƿa ofslogon sƿa sƿa he sylf ƿolde ·

Hƿæt ða eupatór antioches sunu554
gegaderode his fyrde fyrran ⁊ nean ·
⁊ sende hund-teontig þusenda gangendra manna ·
⁊ tƿentig þusenda gehorsedra manna ·
⁊ þrittig ylpas ealle getemode ·
⁊ to ƿige geƿenode mid ƿundorlicum cræfte ·

Fif hund gehorsedra manna ferdon mid ælcum ylpe ·560
⁊ on ælcum ylpe ƿæs an ƿig-hus getimbrod ·
⁊ on ælcum ƿig-huse ƿæron þrittig manna
feohtende [mid cræfte] · ⁊ mid ge-cneordnysse farende

Sumū menn ƿile þincan syllic þis to gehyrenne ·564
forþan þe ylpas ne comon næfre on engla lande ·

Ylp is ormæte nyten mare þonne sum hus ·566
eall mid banum befangen binnan þam felle
butan æt ðam nauelan · ⁊ he næfre ne lið ·

Feoƿer ⁊ tƿentig monða gæð seo modor mid folan ·569
⁊ þreo hund geara hi libbað gif hi alefede | ne beoð ·
⁊ hi man mæg ƿenian ƿundorlice to ge-feohte ·

Hƿæl is ealra fixa mæst · ⁊ ylp is eallra nytena mæst ·572
ac sƿa-þeah mannes gescead hi mæg geƿyldan ·

Þa hæðenan ða ferdon to ðam gefeohte sƿyðe ·574
⁊ mid mór-beriū gebyldon þa ylpas ·
forðan þe mór-berian him is metta leofost ·

Þær ƿæs sƿyðe egeslic here þæra hæðenra manna ·577
ac sƿa-ðeah iudas heom eode to mid ƿige ·
⁊ ofsloh þær sona six hund ƿera ·
⁊ an his geferena eleazarus hatte
arn to anum ylpe þe ðær [ænlicost] [MS. enlicost] ƿæs ·
ƿende  se cyning ƿære on ðam ƿig-huse ðe he bær ·
he arn mid atogenū sƿurde betƿux þam eorode middan ·
⁊ sloh æfre on tƿa healfa  hi sƿeltende feollon
oð  he to þam ylpe com · ⁊ eode him on under ·
stang ða hine æt ðam nauelan  hi lagon ðær begen ·
heora egðer oðres slaga · ⁊ iudas siððan ge-ƿende
into hierusalem mid ealre his fyrde ·
⁊ ƿeredon hi cenlice ƿið þone onƿinnendan here ·
oð  se cynincg feng to friðe ƿið hi
be his ƿitena ræde · ac he hit hraðe tobræc ·

He cyrde ða ham-ƿerd mid his here-lafe ·592
⁊ hine ofsloh sona sum sigefæst þegen
demetrius gehaten · ⁊ hæfde his rice
on antiochian byrig · ⁊ þær abutan gehƿær ·


Hƿæt þa alchimus se arleasa sacerd596
ƿrehte mid leasungū his leode to þam cyninge ·
⁊ se cyning demetrius þam manfullan gelyfde ·
⁊ gesƿencte ða iudeiscan · oð  he sende him to
nicánor his ealdor-man  he hi ealle fordyde ·

Nicánor þa ferde mid fyrde to hierusalem ·601
⁊ sende to iudan mid sƿicdo|me ⁊ cƿ̅ ·

Ne com ic for nanū gefeohte ac for freondscipe to eoƿ ·603
⁊ cyste ða iudan · ⁊ his cempan ƿæron
gearƿe to genimenne iudan on bendum ·

Iudas þa under-geat heora ƿælhreoƿan sƿicdom ·606
⁊ ƿende him fram sona · ⁊ nolde hine geseon ·

Nicánor þa oncneoƿ  his facn cuð ƿæs ·608
began ða to feohtenne færlice ƿið iudan ·
oð  þær feollon of his fyrde fif ðusend manna ·
⁊ þa oðre ætflugon afyrhte for iudan ·

Nicanor þa sceaƿode salomones templ ·612
⁊ sƿor þurh his godas  he  godes hus
ƿolde mid fyre forbærnan butan him man betæhte
iudan gebundene to bismorlicū deaðe ·
ƿende him sƿa aƿæg ƿodlice geyrsod ·

Hƿæt ða sacerdas ða mid sƿyðlicre heofunge ·617
bædon þone ælmihtigan god ·  he his agen hus gescylde
ƿið þone arleasan · ⁊ hine ardlice fordyde ·

Nicanor þa eft genam oðre fyrde of sirian ·620
ƿolde his gebeot mid ƿeorcum gefremman ·
⁊ iudas him com to · mid þrim ðusend cempum ·
⁊ gebæd hine to gode gebigedum limū þus ·

Drihten · þu þe asendest þinne scinende engel ·624
þa ða syrian kynincg sende þurh his heretogan
on ærend-geƿritum þé tallice ƿord ·
⁊ se engel ofsloh þa on anre nihte of heom
an hund þusend manna · ⁊ hund-eahtatig þusenda ·
to-brýt nu sƿa ic bidde þisne breman here
ætforan urum gesihðum ·  men magon geseon þine mihte on heom ·

Hi fengon þa togædere fæstlice mid ƿæpnū ·631
⁊ nicánor æt fruman feoll þær ofslagen ·
⁊ his here aƿearp heora ƿæpna ⁊ flugon ·
ac iu|das him folgode fæstlice mid ƿæpnum ·
⁊ bicnode gehƿanon mid blaƿunge him fultum ·
oð  hi man gynde ongean eft to iudan ·
⁊ hi ealle ofslogon  ðær an ne belaf ·

Namon þa heora ƿæpna ⁊ heora geƿæda mid heom ·638
⁊ nicanóres heafod ⁊ his sƿyðran hand ·
⁊ setton þa to tacne for his teon-rædene ·
⁊ þancodon þa gode þearle mid ƿurðmynte ·

Ƿunodon ða on sibbe sume hƿile æfter ðam ·642
⁊ iudas þa sende mid sibbe to rome
gecorene ærendracan ƿolde [cuðlæcan] ƿið hi ·
forðan þe romanisce ƿitan ƿæron ða mihtige ·
⁊ rædfæste on ƿeorcum · ⁊ ofer-ƿunnan heora fynd ·


Hit ƿearð gecydd syððan þam cynincge demetrio647
 nicanor feol ⁊ eall his folc mid hī ·
þa ƿolde he git sendan ⁊ ofslean þa iudeiscan ·
⁊ funde ða bachidem se ƿæs mid bealuƿe afylled ·
⁊ alchimum mid him þone arleasan sacerd ·
⁊ sende hi mid ge-fylce to iudeiscū folce ·

Hi comon ða færlice mid gefeohte to iudan653
⁊ his ge-feran eargodon butan eahta hund mannū
þe him mid fuhton ƿið þone feondlican here ·

Þa cƿædon his geferan  hi fleon ƿoldon ·656
forðan þe heora ƿerod ƿæs geƿanod mid þam fleame ·
⁊ ƿoldon heom beorgan ƿið þone breman here ·

Þa ⁊ƿyrde iudas · sƿa sƿa he eall cene ƿæs ·659

Ne ge-ƿurðe hit na on life ·  ƿe alecgan ure ƿuldor660
mid earh-licum fleame · ac uton feohtan ƿið hí ·
⁊ gif god sƿa fore-sceaƿað · ƿe sƿeltað on mihte
for urū gebroðrū butan bysmorlicum fleame ·

Hi comon þa to-gædere · ⁊ begunnon to feohtenne664
| on tƿam gefylcū forð eallne ðone dæg ·
⁊ iudas þa beseah to þære sƿyðran healfe
 þa ƿæron strængran · ⁊ stop ðyder sona
mid ðam anrædystum mannum þe him mid fuhton
⁊ todrifon þone ende · ac him æfter eode
 oðer gefylce · mid gefeohte hindan
⁊ feollon ða on tƿa healfe on þam gefeohte manega
⁊ iudas eac feoll · ⁊ þa oðre ætflugon ·

Þa gelæhton his gebroðra his lic of ðam ƿæle ·673
⁊ bebyrigdon on modín to mathathian his fæder ·
⁊ ealle folc hine beƿeop on ða ealdan ƿisan ·

Ne synd sƿa-þeah aƿritene þæs ðe ƿyrd-ƿriteras sæcgaþ ·676
ealle iudan gefeoht for his freonda ƿare ·
⁊ ealle ða mihte þe he mærlice gefremode
his folce to gebeorge · sƿa sƿa us béc secgað ·

Menig-fealde ƿæron his micclan gefeoht ·680
⁊ he is eall sƿa halig on ðære ealdan gecyðnysse ·
sƿa sƿa godes gecorenan on ðære godspel-bodunge ·
forðan þe he æfre ƿan for ƿillan þæs ælmihtigan ·

On þam dagum ƿæs alyfed to alecgenne his fynd ·684
⁊ sƿiþost ða hæðenan þe him hetole ƿæron ·
⁊ se ƿæs godes ðegen þe ða sƿiðost feaht
ƿið heora onƿinnendan to ƿare heora [leoda] ·
ac crist on his tocyme us cydde oðre ðincg ·
⁊ het us healdan sibbe · ⁊ soðfæstnysse æfre ·
⁊ ƿe sceolon ƿinnan ƿið þa ƿælhreoƿan fynd ·
 synd ða ungeseƿenlican · ⁊ þa sƿicolan deofla
þe ƿillað ofslean ure saƿla mid leahtrum ·
ƿið ða ƿe sceolon ƿinnan mid gastlicū ƿæpnum ·
⁊ biddan us gescyldnysse simle æt criste ·
 ƿe moton ofer-ƿinnan þa ƿælhreoƿan leahtras ·
⁊ þæs | deofles tihtinge ·  he us derian ne mæge ·

Þonne beoð ƿe godes cempan on ðam gastlican gefeohte ·697
gif ƿe ðone deofol forseoþ þurh soðne geleafan ·
⁊ þa heafod-leahtras þurh gehealtsumnysse ·
⁊ gif ƿe godes ƿillan mid ƿeorcum gefremmað ·

 ealde godes folc sceolde feohtan þa mid ƿæpnum ·701
⁊ heora geƿinn hæfde haligra manna getacnunge ·
þe to-dræfað þa leahtras ⁊ deofla heom fram
on ðære niƿan gecyðnysse þe crist sylf astealde ·

Secgað sƿa-þeah lareoƿas  syndon feoƿer cynna gefeoht ·705
iustum ·  is rihtlic · iniustum · unrihtlic ·
ciuile · betƿux ceaster-geƿarū · Plusquā ciuile · betƿux siblingum ·

Iustum bellum · is rihtlic gefeoht ƿið ða reðan flot-menn ·708
oþþe ƿið oðre þeoda þe eard ƿillað fordón ·

Unrihtlic gefeoht is þe of yrre cymð ·710

 þridde gefeoht þe of geflite cymð ·711
betƿux ceaster-geƿarum is sƿyðe pleolic ·
⁊  feorðe gefeoht þe betƿux freondum bið ·
is sƿiðe earmlic ⁊ endeleas sorh ·


Israhela folc þa anmodlice geceas715
ionatham his broþor biddende  he ƿære
heora heafod · ⁊ here-toga ƿið þa hæþenan þeoda ·
⁊ he feng ða to ealdor-dome · sƿa sƿa hi ealle bædon ·
⁊ ƿerode hi manega gear ƿið þone onƿinnendan here ·
⁊ ƿiþ bachidem feaht þe his broþor ofsloh ·
⁊ þǽr síge gefór · ⁊ ofslóh þær an þusend;

Þa ƿolde alchimus se arleasa sacerd722
to-brecan godes templ mid teonfullū graman ·
ac hine sloh god sona mid sƿyðlicum paralisyn ·
sƿa  he dumb ƿæs · ⁊ to deaðe | gebroht ·
⁊ mid mycclum tintregum his teonfullan gast
of ðam lichaman forlét to langsumum ƿitum ·

Ionathas ƿunode on ƿurðmynte ða lange ·728
⁊ cynegas hine ƿurðodon mid ƿordum ⁊ gifum ·
⁊ he sige geferde on manegum gefeohtum ·
⁊ æfre ƿæs ƿinnende embe godes ƿillan ·
⁊ eac his lif forlét for his leode ƿare ·

Symon þa syððan snoterlice geheold733
þone iudeiscan eard æft̅ ionathan his breðer ·
⁊ on eallum his dagū ne derode him nan man ·
ac ƿunodon æfre on sibbe on symones dæge ·
oð  he on ende eac ƿearð ofslagen
sƿa sƿa his gebroðra for soðfæstum biggencgum ·
⁊ for heora leoda ƿare · ac hi lybbað on ecnysse
mid þam heah-fæderum for heora hylde ƿið god ·

Iohannes ƿæs geciged þæs symones sunu741
se ƿæs æfter his fæder ðæs folces heretoga ·
⁊ hi hlysfullice geheold ƿið þa hæðenan ðeoda
on eallū his life · ⁊  land beƿerode ·


Ƿe habbað forlætan for þysre langsuman race ·745
an ƿundorlic ðincg · þe ƿe ƿillaþ secgan nu ·

On ðam dagum þe hierusalem ⁊ eall iudea-land747
ƿunode on sibbe · þa ƿæs þær sum sacerd
onias gehaten haliges lifes mann ·
⁊ seleucus cynincg sende fela laca ·
on golde · ⁊ on seolfre · to þā godes temple
of asian lande þæs easternan rices ·
⁊ ƿide of middan-earde man ƿurðode  templ ·
⁊ onías se arƿurða ƿolde mid ðam lacum
ƿideƿan ⁊ steop-bearn beƿerian ƿið hunger ·

Þa ferde sum leogore ⁊ belæƿde  feoh ·756
sæde þam ealdor-menn appollonius | geciged ·
  feoh mihte becuman ðam cyninge to handa ·
⁊ se ealdor-mann sona hit sæde þā cyninge ·

Hƿæt ða se cynincg sende sona ænne þegen760
heliodorus gehaten to ðam halgan temple ·
 he feccan sceolde  feoh mid reaf-lace ·

He com þa mid ƿerode · ⁊ ƿolde  feoh habban ·763
⁊ se sacerd onías · sæde  hit ƿære
ƿideƿena big-leofa · ⁊ ƿanhafolra manna ·
of godra manna ælmyssan ðam ælmihtigan to lofe ·
⁊ þa sacerdas feollon ætforan þam ƿeofode
biddende þone ælmihtigan god  he gehulpe his ðeoƿum ·

Heliodorus ða gemynte þa maðmas to genimenne ·769
ac þær ƿearð geseƿen sƿutol godes ƿundor
sƿa  his geferan feollon geunmihte ·
⁊ mid fyrhte fornumene færlice þurh god ·
⁊ ðær com ridende sum egeful ridda ·
⁊ him mid siðedon tƿægen scinende englas
mid ƿundorlicre ƿlite sƿa he sylf ƿæs geglenged ·
⁊  heofonlice hors þe se heah-engel on sæt
ƿearp sona adune þone dyrstigan heliodorum ·
⁊ þa tƿegen ænglas hine teartlice beoton
on tƿa healfe him standende oð  he stille læg
orƿene his lifes ·

Se ðe ær mid gebeote780
⁊ mid micclū þrymme þrang into ðam temple ·

He læg ða dumb sƿa oð deaþ besƿungen ·782
⁊ his frynd bædon þa þone fore-sædan onian ·
 he his life geðingode æt þam lifigendan gode
on þære frecednysse þe he on befeallen ƿæs ·

Onias þa eode ⁊ offrode him lac786
fore þam ælmihtigan gode on þa ealdan ƿisan ·
⁊ bæd  he miltsode þæs mannes nytennysse ·
⁊ þa englas þa hƿile heliodorum gespræcon ·
| sædon  he sceolde þam sacerde onian
mycclum þancian  he moste lybban ·
⁊ heton hine cyðan on his cyððe æt ham ·
godes ƿundor on him · ⁊ ƿendon þa him fram ·

Heliodorus þa ge-edcucode ⁊ geoffrode his lac794
þam almihtigan gode mid incundre heortan
 he cucu beon moste · ⁊ þancode onian ·
⁊ þanon ferde sƿa mid ealre his fyrde ·
⁊ þæs ælmihtigan mihte his hlaforde cydde · ⁊ his leodum eallum
sƿa sƿa he sylf geseah · ⁊ hu he besƿungen ƿæs ·

Eft ða se cynincg axode heliodorum ⁊ cƿ̅ ·800

Hƿæne mage ƿe sendan to þam foresædan feo ·801

Þa cƿ̅ heliodorus ·802

Gif ðu hæfst ænigne feond send þone to þam feo ·802
⁊ he bið ƿel besƿungen · oððe geƿisslice dead ·
forðan ðe se ælmihtiga god mundað þa stoƿe ·
⁊ þa slihð ⁊ gescynt þe þær sceaðian ƿillað ·

Oft is gesƿutelod hu god gescylde  folc806
ƿið heora ƿiþer-sacan gif hi ƿurðodon hine ·
⁊ sƿa oft sƿa hi gebugon fram his biggengcum ahƿar ·
þonne ƿurdon hi gescynde · ⁊ sƿyðe geƿitnode ·

Sy ƿuldor ⁊ lof þam ƿel-ƿillendan gode ·810
á on ecnysse ƿe cƿeþað · Amen.

Item alia.

qui sunt oratores, [sic @ Skeat] laboratores, [sic @ Skeat] bellatores.

Is sƿa-ðeah to ƿitenne  on þysre ƿorulde812
synd þreo endebyrdnysse on annysse gesette ·
 synd laboratores · oratores · bellatores ·
laboratores synd þa þe urne bigleafan besƿincað ·
oratores synd þa ðe us to gode geðingiað ·
bellatores synd þa ðe ure burga healdað ·
⁊ urne eard be-ƿeriað ƿið onƿinnendne here ·

Nu sƿincð se yrðlincg embe urne bigleofan ·819
⁊ se ƿoruld-cempa sceall ƿin|nan ƿið ure fynd
⁊ se godes þeoƿa sceall symle for us gebiddan ·
⁊ feohtan gastlice · ƿið þa ungeseƿenlican fynd ·

Is nu for-þy mare þæra muneca geƿinn823
ƿið þa ungeseƿenlican deofla þe syrƿiað embe us ·
þonne sy þæra ƿoruld-manna þe ƿinnað ƿiþ ða flæsclican ·
⁊ ƿið þa geseƿenlican [geseƿenlice] feohtað ·

Nu ne sceolon þa ƿoruld-cempan to þam ƿoruld-licum gefeohte827
þa godes þeoƿan neadian fram þam gastlican geƿinne ·
forðan þe him fremað sƿiðor  þa ungeseƿenlican fynd
beon ofer-sƿyðde þonne ða geseƿenlican ·
⁊ hit bið sƿyðe derigendlic  hi drihtnes þeoƿdom forlætan ·
⁊ to ƿoruld-geƿinne bugan · þe him naht to ne gebyriað ·

   Iulianus se ƿiðersaca ⁊ se ƿælhreoƿa casere833
ƿolde neadian preostas to ƿoruldlicum gecampe ·
⁊ eac þa halgan munecas · ⁊ het hi on cƿearterne gebringan ·

Þa ƿearð appollonius se egiptisc[a] abbod836
on þam cƿearterne belocen · mid his geleaffullum gebroðrum ·
ac godes engel him com to to þam cƿearterne nihtes ·
mid heofonlicum leohte · ⁊ un-lǽc  cƿeartern ·

Eac se hundredes ealdor þe hi þær-inne beleac840
cóm on ærne mergen mid mycclum þrymme ·
⁊ sæde  his hus feolle færlice mid eorð-styrunge
sƿa  his leofestan menn · þær lagon ofhrorene ·
⁊ he bæd þa halgan þa  hi þanon ferdon ·

And [sic @ Skeat] hi ða mid lof-sangum siþedon eft to þam ƿestene ·845

Godes þeoƿas sceolon unscæððignysse healdan ·846
sƿa sƿa crist astealde þurh hine sylfne þa bysne ·
þa þa he het petrum behydan his sƿurd ·
⁊ gehælde þurh his mihte | þæs mannes eare
þe petrus of asloh · ⁊ gesƿutelode his godnysse ·

Nu se munuc þe bihð to benedictes regole ·851
⁊ forlæt ealle ƿoruld-ðingc · hƿi ƿile he eft gecyrran
to ƿoruldlicū ƿæpnum · ⁊ aƿurpan his geƿinn ·
ƿið þa ungeseƿenlican fynd his scyppende to teonan ·

Se godes þeoƿa ne mæg mid ƿoruld-mannum feohtan ·855
gif he on þam gastlican gefeohte · forð-gang habban sceall ·

Næs nan halig godes þeoƿa æfter þæs hælendes þroƿunga ·857
þe æfre on gefeohte his handa ƿolde afylan ·
ac hi for-bæron ehtnysse arleasra cƿellera ·
⁊ heora lif sealdon mid unscæþþignysse ·
for godes geleafan · ⁊ hi mid gode nu lybbað ·
forðan þe hí furþon noldon · ænne fugel acƿellan ·