1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Algae/Bibliography

7579421911 Encyclopædia Britannica, Volume 1 — - Algae Bibliography

The subjoined list includes the larger standard works on algae, together with a number of papers to which reference is made in this article. For a detailed catalogue of Algological literature, see the “Bibliotheca Phycologica” in de Toni’s Syllope Algarum, vol. i. (1889), with the addendum thereto in vol. iv. (1897) of the same work.

General.—J. G. Agardh, Species, genera et ordines Algarum (vols. i.-iii., Lund, 1848–1898), Analecta Algologica (Lund, 1892–1896); Till Algernes Systematik (Lund, 1972–1899); J. E. Areschoug, “Observationes Phycologicae,” Nova Acta reg. soc. sci. Upsaliensis (Upsala, 1866–1875); F. F. Blackman, “The Primitive Algae and the Flagellata,” Ann. of Botany (vol. xiv., Oxford, 1900); E. Bornet and G. Thuret, Notes agologiques (fasc. i.-ii., Paris, 1976–1880); P. A. Dangeard, “Recherches sur les algues inférieures,” Ann. des sci. naturelles, Bot. (vol. vii., Paris, 1888); A. Derbes and A. J. J. Solier, Mémoire de la physiologie des algues (Paris, 1856); J. B. de Toni, Sylloge Algarum–vol. i. Chlorophyceae, vol. ii. Bacillariaceae, vol. iii. Fucoideae, vol. iv. Florideae (Padua, 1899–1900); P. Falkenberg, “Die Algen im weitesten Sinne,” Schenk’s Handbuch der Botanik (vol. ii., 1882); W. G. Farlow, Marine Algae of New England (Washington, 1881); W. H. Harvey, Phycologia Britannica (4 vols., London, 1846–1855); Nereis Boreali-Americana (3 pts., Washington, 1851–1858); Phycologia Australica (5 vols., London, 1858–1863); F. Hauck, “Die Meeresalgen Deutschlands und Österreichs,” Rabenhort’s Kryptogamen-Flora (Liepzig, 1885); F. R. Kjellman, The Algae of the Arctic Sea (Stockholm, 1883); F. T. Künzing, Tabulae Phycologicae (19 vols., Nordhausen, 1845–1869); P. Kuckuck, Beiträge sur Kenntniss der Meeresalgen (Kiel and Leipzig, 1897–1899); G. Murray, Phycological Memoirs (London, 1892–1895); An Introduction to the Study of Seaweeds (London, 1895); C. Naegeli, Die neueren Algensysteme (Zurich, 1847); F. Oltmanns, Morphologie und Biologie der Algen (Jena, Band i. 1904, Band ii. 1905); N. Pringsheim, “Beiträge zur Morphologie der Meeresalgen,” Abhand. Königl. Akad. der Wissensch. (Berlin, 1862); J. Reinke, Atlas deutscher Meeresalgen (Berlin, 1889–1892); F. Schütt, Das Pflanzenleben der Hochsee (Leipzig, 1893); J. Stackhouse, Nereis Britannica (ed. i., Bath, 1801; ed. ii., Oxford 1816); G. Thuret and E. Bornet, Études phycologiques (Paris, 1878); D. Turner, Historia Fucorum (4 vols., London, 1808–1819); G. Zanardini, Iconographia Phycologia Adriatica (Venice, 1860–1876).

1. Cyanophyceae.—E. Bornet and Ch. Flahault, “Revision des Nostocacées hétérocystées,” Ann. des sc. naturelles, Bot. (vols. iii.-vii., Paris, 1887–1888); M. Gomont, “Monographie des Oscillariées,” Ann. des sc. naturelles, Bot. (vols. xv.-xvi., Paris 1893); Hegler, “Über Kerntheilungserscheinungen,” Ref. Botan. Centralbl. (vol. lxiv., Cassel, 1895); O. Kirchner, “Schizophyceae,” in Engler and Prantl’s Pflanzenfamilien (Leipzig, 1900).

2. Chlorophyceae.—A. Borzi, “Studi anamorfici di alcune alghe verdi,” Bull. Soc. Bot. Ital. in N. Giorn. Bot. Ital. (vol. xxii., Pisa, 1890); F. F. Blackman and A. G. Tansley, A Revision of the Classification of the Green Algae, reprinted from the New Phytologist (vol. i., London, 1903); K. Bohlin, “Studier öfver nagra slagten af alggruppen confervales Borzi,” Bihang till K. Svenska vel. akad. Handlinger (Bd. xxiii. afd. 3, 1897);—Utkasttill, De gröna algernas och arkegomiaternas bylogeni (Upsala, 1901); R. Chodat, “On the Polymorphism of the Green Algae,” Ann. of Botany (vol. xi., Oxford, 1897); M. C. Cooke, British Freshwater Algae (2 vols., London, 1882–1884), British Desmids (London, 1887); G. Klebs, Die Bedingungen der Fortpflanzung bei einigen Algen und Pilzen (Jena, 1896); A. Luther, “Über Chlorosaccus, n.g.” Bihang till K. Svenska vel. akad. Handlinger (Bd. xxiv. afd. 3. 1899); H. Graf zu Solms-Laubach, “Monograph of the Acetabulariaceae,” Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.) Bot. (London, 1895); N. Wille, “Chlorophyceae,” in Engler and Prantl’s Pflanzenfamilien (Leipzig, 1897).

3. Phaeophyceae.—E. A. L. Batters, “On Ectocarpus secundus,” Grevillea (vol. xxi., London, 1893); G. Berthold, “Die geschlechtliche Fortpflanzung der eigentlichen Phaeosporeen,” Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel (vol. ii., Leipzig, 1881); G. Brebner, “On the Classification of the Tilopteridaceae,” Proc. Bristol Nat. Soc. (vol. viii., Bristol, 1896–1897); A. H. Church, “On the Polymorphy of Cutleria multifida,” Ann. of Botany (vol. xii., Oxford, 1898); J. B. Farmer and J. Ll. Williams, “Contributions to our Knowledge of the Life-history and Cytology of Fucaceae,” Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. (vol. cxc., London, 1898); E. Janczewski, “Observations sur l’accroissement du thalle des Phaeosporées,” Mém. soc. nat. de sc. (Cherbourg, 1895); F. R. Kjellmann, “Phaeophyceae,” in Engler and Prantl’s Pflanzenfamilien (Leipzig, 1897); F. Oltmanns, “Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Fucaceen,” Bibliotheca botanica, xiv. (Cassel, 1889); C. Sauvageau, “Observations relatives à la sexualité des Phaeosporées,” Journal de botanique (vol. x., Paris, 1896); E. Strasburger, “Kerntheilung und Befruchtung bei Fucus,” Cytologische Studien (Berlin, 1897); F. Schütt, Die Peridinien der Plankton-Expedition (Kiel and Leipzig, 1895); R. Valiante, Le Cystoseirae del Golfo di Napoli (Leipzig, 1883); J. Ll. Williams, “On the Antherozoids of Dictyota and Taonia,” Ann. of Botany (vol. xi., Oxford, 1897).

4. Rhodophyceae.—G. Berthold, “Die Bangiacen des Golfes von Neapel,” Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel (Naples, 1882); F. Oltmanns, “Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Florideen,” Botanische Zeitung (1898); R. W. Phillips, “The Development of the Cystocarp in Rhodymeniales,” i. and ii., Annals of Botany (vols. xi. xii., Oxford, 1897–1898); F. Schmitz, “Untersuchungen über die Befruchtung der Florideen,” Sitzungsber. der königl. Akad der Wissensch. (Berlin, 1883); “Kleinere Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Florideen,” La Nuova Notarisia, 1892–1894; F. Schmitz, P. Falkenberg, P. Hauptfleisch, “Rhodophyceae,” in Engler and Prantl’s Pflanzenfamilien (1897); W. Schmidle, “Die Befruchtung, Keimung und Haarinsertion von Batrachospermum,” Bot. Zeitung (1899); Sirodot, Les Batrachospermes (Paris, 1884); N. Wille, “Über die Befruchtung bei Nemalion multifidum,” Ber. d. deutschen bot. Gesellsc. Band xii. (Berlin, 1894); J. J. Wolfe, “Cytological Studies on Nemalion,” Annals of Botany (vol. xviii., Oxford, 1904); S. Yamanouchi, “The Life-History of Polysiphonia violacea,” Botanical Gazette (vol. xli., Chicago, 1906).  (R. W. P.)