1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Baldinucci, Filippo

2926431911 Encyclopædia Britannica, Volume 3 — Baldinucci, Filippo

BALDINUCCI, FILIPPO (1624–1696), Italian writer on the history of the arts, was born at Florence. His chief work is entitled Notizie de' Professori del Disegno da Cimabue ... (dal 1260 sino al 1670), and was first published in six vols. 4to, 1681–1728. The capital defect of this work is the attempt to derive all Italian art from the schools of Florence. A good edition is that by Ranalli (5 vols. 8vo, Florence, 1845–1847). Baldinucci’s whole works were published in fourteen vols. at Milan, 1808–1812.