1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Barrington, Samuel

3376431911 Encyclopædia Britannica, Volume 3 — Barrington, Samuel

BARRINGTON, SAMUEL (1729–1800), British admiral, was the fourth son of the 1st Viscount Barrington. He entered the navy at an early age and in 1747 had worked his way to a post-captaincy. He was in continuous employment during the peace of 1748–1756, and on the outbreak of the Seven Years’ War served with Hawke in the Basque roads in command of the “Achilles” (60). In 1759 the “Achilles” captured a powerful French privateer, after two hours’ fighting. In the Havre-de-Grace expedition of the same year Barrington’s ship carried the flag of Rear-Admiral Rodney, and in 1760 sailed with John Byron to destroy the Louisburg fortifications. At the peace in 1763 Barrington had been almost continuously afloat for twenty-two years. He was next appointed in 1768 to the frigate “Venus” as governor to the duke of Cumberland, who remained with him in all ranks from midshipman to rear-admiral. In 1778 the duke’s flag-captain became rear-admiral and went to the West Indies, while in conjunction with the army he took the island of Santa Lucia from the French, and repulsed the attempt of the Comte d’Estaing to retake it. Superseded after a time by Byron, he remained as that officer’s second-in-command and was present at Grenada and St. Kitts (6th and 22nd of July 1779). On his return home, he was offered, but refused, the command of the Channel fleet. His last active service was the relief of Gibraltar in October 1782. As admiral he flew his flag for a short time in 1790, but was not employed in the French revolutionary wars. He died in 1800.

See Ralfe, Naval Biographies, i. 120; Charnock, Biographia Navalis, vi. 10.