1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Minchinhampton

34572881911 Encyclopædia Britannica, Volume 18 — Minchinhampton

MINCHINHAMPTON, a town in the Stroud parliamentary division of Gloucestershire, England, 4 m. S.E. of Stroud. Pop. (1901), 3737. It lies high on a slope of the Cotswold Hills; Minchinhampton Common being a fine open upland. The church of Holy Trinity, largely reconstructed, contains many brasses and memorials. The manufacture of woollen cloth is the long-established staple of Minchinhampton. Prehistoric remains have been discovered on the common, and earthworks are also seen; while the name of Woeful Dane Bottom, a neighbouring valley, perhaps indicates the scene of a defeat of the Danes (c. 918).