MOHÁCS, a market town of Hungary, in the county of Baranya, 115 m. S. of Budapest. Pop. (1900), 15,812. It is situated on the right bank of the Danube, and carries on a brisk trade in wine and the agricultural produce of the neighbourhood. Amongst its principal buildings are an old castle and the summer palace of the bishop of Pécs. Mohács is famous in the history of Hungary by the two fateful battles which took place in the plain situated about 3 m. south-west of the town, and marked the beginning and the close of the Turkish dominion in Hungary. In the first (Aug. 29, 1526) the Hungarian army under Louis II. was annihilated by the Ottoman forces led by Soliman the Magnificent. In the second (Aug. 12, 1687) the Austrians under Charles of Lorraine gained a decisive victory over the Turks, whose power was afterwards still further broken by Prince Eugene of Savoy.