1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Mure, William

22121641911 Encyclopædia Britannica, Volume 19 — Mure, William

MURE, WILLIAM (1799–1860), Scottish classical scholar, was born at Caldwell, Ayrshire, on the 9th of July 1799. He was educated at Westminster School and the universities of Edinburgh and Bonn. From 1846 to 1855 he represented the county of Renfrew in parliament in the Conservative interest, and was lord rector of Glasgow University in 1847–1848. For many years he devoted his leisure to Greek studies, and in 1850–1857 he published five volumes of a Critical History of the Language and Literature of Ancient Greece, which, though uncompleted and somewhat antiquated, is still useful. He died in London on the first of April 1860.