PANE (Fr. pan, Lat. pannus, a cloth, garment), originally a piece of cloth, especially one of a number of pieces of cloth or other material joined to form one piece for a garment; the word is thus also applied to the “slashes” in the material of a dress made to show a rich lining or the colour of a lining when different from the outer side of the garment. In this sense the word only survives in English in “counterpane,” an outer coverlet for a bed. “Pane” is used frequently for the flat side of anything, especially in diamond-cutting of the sides to the “table” of a brilliant, or to the faces of a bolt nut or hammer-head. The most common use of the word now is that of a piece of glass filling a compartment in a window. In architecture the word is also applied to a bay of a window, compartment of a partition, side of a tower, turret, &c. (See Bay and Half-timber Work.)