PHANOCLES, Greek elegiac poet, probably flourished about the time of Alexander the Great. His extant fragments show resemblances in style and language to Philetas, Callimachus and Hermesianax. He was the author of a poem on paederasty. A lengthy fragment in Stobaeus (Florilegium, 64) describes the love of Orpheus for the youthful Calais, son of Boreas and his subsequent death at the hands of the Thracian women. It is one of the best extant specimens of Greek elegiac poetry.

See N. Bach, Philetae, Hermesianactis, et Phanoclis reliquiae (1829); L. Preller, Ausgewählte Aufsätze aus dem Gebiete der classischen Alterthumswissenschaft (1864).