PUDSEY, a municipal borough in the Pudsey parliamentary division of the West Riding of Yorkshire, England, 6 m. W. by S. of Leeds, on the Great Northern railway. Pop. (1891), 13,444; (1901), 14,907. The principal buildings are the church of St Lawrence in Gothic style, erected in 1821, and the mechanics’ institute, a fine building, comprising class-rooms, a library, a public hall and a lecture hall. A public park was opened in 1889. The town has an important woollen trade and possesses dyeing and fulling mills. Part of the parish, Tyersall, is in the borough of Bradford. Pudsey is mentioned in Domesday. It was sold by Edward II. to the Calverley family, from which it passed to an ancestor of the Milners. The town was incorporated in 1899, and the corporation consists of a mayor, 6 aldermen and 18 councillors. Area, 2399 acres.