1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Rishanger, William

3788321911 Encyclopædia Britannica, Volume 23 — Rishanger, William

RISHANGER, WILLIAM (c. 1250-c. 1312), English chronicler, made his profession as a Benedictine at St Alban's abbey in 1271, of which he perhaps became the official chronicler. The most important of his writings is the Narratio de bellis apud Lewes et Evesham. Though written many years afterwards and drawn from other sources, it is a spirited account of the barons' war. He is so great an admirer of Simon de Montfort that this work has been called a hagiography. He is credited with the authorship of a chronicle covering the period 1250-1306; this has been disputed, but the work is printed under his name by Riley. Another work of his, of not much importance, is a chronicle entitled Recapitulatis brevis de gestis domini Edwardi, &c. He is probably not the author of other works commonly attributed to him.

Authorities. — Wilhelmi Rishanger chronica et annales, Rolls Series, Introduction ed. H. T. Riley; the Narratio de bellis apud Lewes et Evesham, ed. J. O. Halliwell, Camden Society, 1840.