SABLÉ, a town of western France, in the department of Sarthe, on the river Sarthe, 30 m. W.S.W. of Le Mans by rail. Pop. (1906) 4952. Sablé has a château of the 18th century, a fortified gateway, relic of a medieval stronghold, and a modern church with fine stained glass of the early 15th century. Its importance, however, is chiefly due to the marble quarries of the vicinity, the products of which are worked in the town, where flour-milling, the manufacture of farm-implements and trade in cattle are also carried on. A communal college is among the public institutions. From the 11th century Sablé was the seat of a powerful barony, which in 1602 was made a duchy-peerage in favour of Urbain de Laval, marshal of France. The place afterwards came into the possession of Colbert de Torcy, nephew of the great Colbert who built the château. In 1488 a treaty which resulted in the union of France and Brittany was concluded at Sablé, between Charles VIII. and Duke Francis II.