19018811911 Encyclopædia Britannica, Volume 24 — Salem (Ohio)

SALEM, a city of Columbiana county, Ohio, U.S.A., 67 m. N.W. of Pittsburg and about the same distance S.E. of Cleveland. Pop. (1900), 7582, including 667 foreign-born and 227 negroes; (1910) 8943. Salem is served by the Pennsylvania (the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicago division) and the Youngstown & Ohio River railways, and by an interurban electric line to Canton. The city has a Carnegie library (1896), two beautiful cemeteries, a park, and a Home for Aged Women. It is situated in a fine agricultural region; coal is mined in the vicinity; natural gas is obtained in abundance; and the city has various manufactures. It was settled by Friends in 1806, incorporated as a town in 1830 and as a village in 1852, and chartered as a city in 1887. For several years preceding the Civil War it was a station on the “underground railway” and the headquarters of “the Western Anti-Slavery Society,” which published here the Anti-Slavery Bugle.