See also Wałbrzych on Wikipedia; and our 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica disclaimer. This town is now located in Poland.

WALDENBURG, a town of Germany, in the Prussian province of Silesia, 39 m. S.W. of Breslau by the line to Hirschberg and Görlitz Pop. (1901) 16,435. It contains a handsome town hall, three Protestant and two Roman Catholic churches. Waldenburg lies in the centre of the productive coal district of the Waldenburger Gebirge, a branch of the Sudetic chain, and its inhabitants are largely occupied in the mining industry. Among other industrial establishments are a large porcelain and earthenware factory, extensive fireclay works, glass works and a china-painting establishment; there are also numerous flax-spinneries and linen-factories in the neighbourhood. Adjoining the town on the south is the village of Oberwaldenburg, pop. (1905) 4758, with a château and some coal mines. Waldenburg became a town in 1426.