WEISS, BERNHARD (1827–), German Protestant New Testament scholar, was born at Königsberg on the 20th of June 1827. After studying theology at Königsberg, Halle and Berlin, he became professor extraordinarius at Königsberg in 1852, and afterwards professor ordinarius at Berlin. In 1880 he was made superior consistorial councillor. An opponent of the Tübingen School, he published a number of important works, which are well known to students in Great Britain and America.
He edited and revised Matthew (the 9th ed., 1897), Mark and Luke (the 9th ed., 1901), John (the 9th ed., 1902), Romans (the 9th ed., 1899), the Epistles to Timothy and Titus (the 7th ed., 1902), Hebrews (the 6th ed., 1897), the Epistles of John (the 6th ed., 1900). His other works include: Lehrbuch der biblischen Theologie des Neuen Testaments (1868, 9th ed., 1903; Eng. trans., 1883), Das Leben Jesu (1882, 4th ed., 1902; Eng. trans., 1883), Lehrbuch der Einleitung in das Neue Testament (1886; 3rd ed., 1897; Eng. trans. 1888), Das Neue Testament: Berichtigter Text (3 vols., 1902), and Die Quellen des Lukasevangeliums (1907). He was also the reviser of commentaries on the New Testament in the series of H. A. W. Meyer.