1922 Encyclopædia Britannica/Murkland, William Urwick

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26000901922 Encyclopædia Britannica, Volume 31 — Murkland, William Urwick

MURKLAND, WILLIAM URWICK (1842–1899), American clergyman, was born Nov. 17 1842 in Demerara, British Guiana, where his father was a Scotch missionary. When a child he moved with his parents to Petersburg, Va., and later to Richmond. In 1857 he entered Hampden-Sidney College, but on the outbreak of the Civil War he enlisted, before graduation; in the Confederate army. With one exception he was the youngest member in his command. He was captured at Laurel Hill by troops of Gen. McClellan, but was soon paroled, and returned to Hampden-Sidney College, where he graduated with first honours in 1862. Having meanwhile been exchanged, he again entered the Confederate army. After the close of the war he entered the Union Theological Seminary of Virginia where he remained three years. After his ordination as a Presbyterian minister in 1869, he was pastor of Centre Church, Cumberland co., Va. In Jan. 1870 he was called as assistant to the Franklin Street church, Baltimore, Md., and the following June was chosen pastor, which position he held until his death, May 13 1899. While detained as a young prisoner of war he had won the affection of Gen. McClellan, who later, during his residence in Baltimore, became his parishioner. At Gen. McClellan’s death, Dr. Murkland took part in the funeral ceremonies. In 1890 he was a delegate to the World’s Peace Congress in London; in 1893 a delegate to the Ecumenical Methodist Council at Washington; and in 1894 a delegate to the Northern General Assembly at Saratoga. Dr. Murkland was one of the prominent figures in the Presbyterian Church in the United States, and long distinguished for his ability and influence. He was an extensive traveller and a man of fine literary attainments. On June 4 1895 the 25th anniversary of Dr. Murkland’s pastorate was celebrated, and many distinguished clergymen from all parts of the country together with the highest state and city officials took part. Dr. Murkland was an eloquent speaker and one of the foremost orators in the South. He was chosen orator for the state of Maryland on Maryland Day at the Cotton States’ Exposition, Atlanta, Ga., in 1895.