21st Century Department of Justice Appropriations Authorization Act/Division C/Title III


Sec. 13101. Short Title.
Sec. 13102. Authorization of Amounts Available to the Patent and Trademark Office.
Sec. 13103. Electronic Filing and Processing of Patent and Trademark Applications.
Sec. 13104. Strategic Plan.
Sec. 13105. Determination of Substantial New Question of Patentability in Reexamination Proceedings.
Sec. 13106. Appeals in Inter Partes Reexamination Proceedings.
Sec. 13201. Short Title.
Sec. 13202. Clarification of Reexamination Procedure Act of 1999; Technical Amendments.
Sec. 13203. Patent and Trademark Efficiency Act Amendments.
Sec. 13204. Domestic Publication of Foreign Filed Patent Applications Act of 1999 Amendments.
Sec. 13205. Domestic Publication of Patent Applications Published Abroad.
Sec. 13206. Miscellaneous Clerical Amendments.
Sec. 13207. Technical Corrections in Trademark Law.
Sec. 13208. Patent and Trademark Fee Clerical Amendment.
Sec. 13209. Copyright Related Corrections to 1999 Omnibus Reform Act.
Sec. 13210. Amendments to Title 17, United States Code.
Sec. 13211. Other Copyright Related Technical Amendments.
Sec. 13301. Educational use Copyright Exemption.
Sec. 13401. Short Title.
Sec. 13402. Provisions to Implement the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks.
Sec. 13403. Effective Date.