A Beacon to the Society of Friends/Extracts from the Sermons

581774A Beacon to the Society of Friends — Extracts from the SermonsIsaac Crewdson

The following extracts from the Sermons, are taken from the first volume of a Publication called the Quaker, which was put out by the followers of Elias Hicks.

It would exceed the limits of the present work, to comment upon every perversion of Christian doctrine, which these extracts from the Sermons contain. The main design has therefore been, to expose the errors from which the most danger was to be apprehended to our Society. The reader will please to bear this in mind at he goes along.

It seems also necessary to remark, that Italics are used in the quotations from Scripture, to mark Emphasis, and not for the purpose for which they are used in the Bible, namely, to distinguish words supplied by the translators.