A Biographical Dictionary of the Celebrated Women of Every Age and Country/Guébriant, (Renée du Bec, Maréchale de)


One of the cleverest women of her time, was an ambassador in 1645 to Poland, conducting there Maria-Louisa Gonzaga, of Mantua, who was to be queen of that country. Uladislaus, however, had been in the mean time so prejudiced against his destined wife, that he thought of sending her back to France. The maréchale, however, exerted such a proper spirit in an interview with him, and so satisfied his mind in respect to what head heard, that the marriage took place; and to witness his high esteem for Madame de Guébriant, he commanded the same honours to be paid to her as to the Archduchess of Inspruck. She died at Perigueux in 1659.

F. C.