3749000A Blighted Life — IndexRosina Bulwer Lytton


  • Account of Jean Hestier, the poor orphan, 60
  • Anecdote of Sir E. L.'s brutality to his wife, 76
  • Appendix, 76
  • Attempt to induce Lady L. to live with her husband, 58
  • Aylmer's, Lady, Ball at, 6
  • Bell, Mr. Robert, spreads the report of the pretended madness of Lady L., 12
  • Blackburn, Lady, Money lent by, and Mr. L.'s notions of honour, 65
  • Brellesford, the Maid, Courage of, 10
  • Clarke's, Mrs., interview with Sir E.'s solicitor, 37
  • Cockburn, described, 6; alluded to, 47, 69; tries to borrow money from Sir E., scene, 70
  • Cole, Mr., Q.C., alluded to, 64, 69; Lady L. gives a testimonial to, 70
  • D—— and Wyndham Lewis, 20
  • Deacon, Miss Laura, Account of, 23, 24
  • Dedication of "Lucille" defended, 47, 57
  • Dickens, Charles, described, 4; "In Memoriam" by, 22
  • Directions to her son in case of Lady L.'s death, 40
  • Divorce Court, Why Lady L. did not apply to, 50
  • Drives with Mary H. described, 39, 43
  • E. J.'s flattering account of Sir E. in an American Court, 72
  • Gratton, alluded to, 41
  • H——, the Madhouse Keeper, driven from Brentford, 55
  • Hertford Election, Lady L. speaks at, 27
  • Hodgson, the good attorney, 8
  • Hotham, Lady, Visit to, 8
  • Hyde, Mr., Lady L.'s solicitor, opposes Sir E.'s plot to prevent the pittance being paid, 17
  • Interview with her son described by Lady L., 50
  • Lady Lytton describes her son's conduct, 44; abandoned by him abroad, 59; ceases to have intercourse with him, 66
  • Lamartine quoted, 6
  • Langollen, Mrs. P., the spy, at, 8
  • Lawrence, the Quaker, and Lord L., 71, 73
  • Leighton set upon Lady L., 10
  • London, Lady L. visits, and is trapped, 33
  • Loudon, Mrs., Account of, 7
  • Lytton, Sir E., lectures on the Holiness of Truth, 11; on the scene of abduction, 35; drummed out of Nice, 40
  • Lyndhurst, Lord, applied to, 19; his letter, 19
  • Lyndhurst, Lord, and Lady Sykes, 6, 20; his conduct as to Lady L.'s papers, 22
  • Madhouse conspiracy carried out, 35; Arrival at, 36; Waking at, for the first time, 38
  • Maginn, Dr., alluded to, 63
  • Mary H——, Lady L.'s little friend, described, 37; Drives with, described, 39, 43
  • Massey, Lord, alluded to, 41
  • Norton, Mrs., 6; Anecdote of, 18; Trial of, 63
  • O'Kane and Palmerston, Case of, 63
  • Plot as to copyright of "Very Successful," 67
  • Queen, The, and Prince Albert compared, 19; alluded to, 42
  • R——, Miss, 47; as a spy, 54
  • Return from abroad and reception at Taunton, 61
  • Roberts, Dr. Oily Gammon, described, 43
  • Shaftesbury, Lord, and the trusteeship, 53, 57, 65
  • Sparrow, the maid, 38
  • Stepney, Lady, alluded to, 76
  • "Strange Story, A," alluded to, 19
  • Terror of Lord L. in his son, 56
  • Talfourd, Mr. Serjt., and his Custody of Infants Bill, 5
  • Whalley, Mr., sent for, 17