A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Kʽiet
- 孑4
- Single; one; only; a remnant; short; behind.
- 厥4
- An engine to throw stones; he; she; it; his hers; its.
- 譎4
- False; intriguing; crafty; to impose upon.
- 喫4
- To eat; drink; receive an impression; to bear with.
- 楔4
- The two side posts of a door; a pillar; name of a wood.
- 恝4
- Without sorrow; dismissing whatever annoys.
- 挈4
- To take hold of with the hand; support; adjust.
- 𪗾4
- Noise of the teeth gnashing or grinding on each other.
- 攫4
- To take hold of; grasp.
- 躩4
- A short, quick, respectful step.