A Collection of Hymns, for the Use of the People Called Methodists (1830)/Part 1
Chapters (not listed in original)
- Section I.—Exhorting Sinners.
- O for a thousand tongues to sing
- Come, sinners, to the gospel feast
- O all that pass by, To Jesus draw near
- Ho! every one that thirsts, draw nigh
- Thy faithfulness, Lord, Each moment we find
- Sinners, turn, why will ye die?
- Let the beasts their breath resign
- What could your Redeemer do
- Sinners, obey the gospel word
- Ye thirsty for God, To Jesus give ear
- God, the offended God Most High
- Section II.—Describing the Pleasantness of Religion.
- Come, ye that love the Lord
- Happy soul, that, free from harms
- Happy the man that finds the grace
- Happy the souls to Jesus join'd
- Happy the souls that first believed
- Jesus, from whom all blessings flow
- Maker, Saviour of mankind
- Rejoice evermore With angels above
- Weary souls, that wander wide
- Ye simple souls that stray
- Section II., cont.—Describing the Goodness of God.
- Behold the Saviour of mankind
- Extended on a cursed tree
- Ye that pass by, behold the Man!
- O thou dear suffering Son of God
- I thirst, thou wounded lamb of God
- Saviour, the world's and mine
- O love Divine! what hast thou done!
- Come, ye weary sinners, come
- Where shall my wondering soul begin?
- See, sinners, in the gospel glass
- Sinners, believe the gospel word
- Would Jesus have the sinner die?
- Let earth and heaven agree
- Jesus, thou all-redeeming Lord
- Lovers of pleasure more than God
- Jesus, the Name high over all
- O God, of good th' unfathom'd Sea!
- Father, whose everlasting Love
- Ye neighbours and friends, To Jesus draw near
- Section II., cont.—Describing Death.
- Section II., cont.—Describing Judgment.
- Hearken to the solemn voice
- Thou Judge of quick and dead
- He comes! he comes! the Judge severe!
- The great Archangel’s trump shall sound
- Jesus, faithful to his word
- Thou God of glorious majesty
- Righteous God! whose vengeful phials
- Stand th' omnipotent decree
- How happy are the little flock
- Woe to the men on earth who dwell
- By faith we find the place above
- Ye virgin souls, arise
- Lo! He comes with clouds descending
- Section II., cont.—Describing Heaven.
- How weak the thoughts, and vain
- How happy is the pilgrim’s lot!
- Thou, Lord, on whom I still depend
- I long to behold him array'd
- Leader of faithful souls, and Guide
- Saviour, on me the grace bestow
- Away with our sorrow and fear
- We know, by faith we know
- Lift your eyes of faith, and see
- What are these array'd in white
- The Church in her militant state
- The thirsty are call'd to their Lord
- A fountain of Life and of Grace
- Section II., cont.—Describing Hell.
- Section III.—Praying for a Blessing.
- Father of omnipresent grace!
- Shepherd of souls, with pitying eye
- Thou Son of God, whose flaming eyes
- Come, O thou all-victorious Lord
- Spirit of Faith, come down
- Sinners, your hearts lift up
- Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire
- Father of all, in whom alone
- Inspirer of the ancient Seers
- Thus saith the Lord of earth and heaven