A Collection of Hymns, for the Use of the People Called Methodists (1830)/Part 3


Chapters (not listed in original)
Section I.—Praying for Repentance.
Section II.—For Mourners convinced of Sin.
  1. Enslaved to sense, to pleasure prone
  2. Wretched, helpless, and distrest
  3. Jesus, Friend of sinners, hear
  4. Thus saith the Lord! Who seek the Lamb
  5. Woe is me! what tongue can tell
  6. O thou, whom fain my soul would love
  7. Jesus, in whom the weary find
  8. Let the world their virtue boast
  9. Saviour, cast a pitying eye
  10. God is in this and every place
  11. Author of faith, to thee I cry
  12. Father of Jesus Christ, my Lord
  13. Comfort, ye ministers of grace
  14. Expand thy wings, celestial Dove
  15. O thou who hast our sorrows borne
  16. Let the redeem'd give thanks and praise
  17. O that I, first of love possess'd
  18. O that I could my Lord receive
  19. Too strong I was to conquer sin
  20. Wherewith, O God, shall I draw near
  21. With glorious clouds encompass'd round
  22. A dam, descended from above!
  23. Thou God unsearchable, unknown
  24. Lord, I despair myself to heal
  25. Jesus, the Sinner’s Friend, to thee
  26. Jesu, whose glory’s streaming rays
  27. Jesus, it still the same thou art
  28. Jesu, if still thou art to-day
  29. While dead in trespasses I lie
  30. When shall thy love constrain
  31. O that thou would'st the heavens rent
  32. Jesu! Redeemer, Saviour, Lord
  33. Come, O thou Traveller unknown
  34. Yield to me now, for I am weak
  35. Drooping soul, shake off thy fears
  36. Jesu, Lover of my soul
  37. Thee, Jesu, thee, the Sinner’s Friend
  38. O Jesus, let me bless thy Name!
  39. Still, Lord, I languish for thy grace
  40. O Love Divine, how sweet thou art!
  41. Father of Jesus Christ, the Just
  42. Thus saith the Lord,—'tis God commands
  43. Thou hidden God, for whom I groan
  44. Out of the deep I cry
  45. Ah! whither should I go
  46. Lo! in thy hand I lay
  47. Fain would I leave the world below
  48. God of my life, what just return
  49. O disclose thy lovely face
  50. My sufferings all to thee are known
  51. O my God, what must I do?
  52. Lay to thy hand, O God of Grace!
  53. O Jesus, my hope, For me offer'd up
  54. Stay, thou insulted Spirit, stay
  55. O my offended God
  56. When, gracious Lord, when shall it be
  57. Lord, regard my earnest cry
  58. Come, holy, celestial Dove
  59. Jesus, take my sins away
  60. Lamb of God, for sinners slain
Section III.—For Persons convinced of Backsliding.
Section IV.—For Backsliders Recovered.