A Collection of Hymns, for the Use of the People Called Methodists (1830)/Part 3
Chapters (not listed in original)
- Section I.—Praying for Repentance.
- Section II.—For Mourners convinced of Sin.
- Enslaved to sense, to pleasure prone
- Wretched, helpless, and distrest
- Jesus, Friend of sinners, hear
- Thus saith the Lord! Who seek the Lamb
- Woe is me! what tongue can tell
- O thou, whom fain my soul would love
- Jesus, in whom the weary find
- Let the world their virtue boast
- Saviour, cast a pitying eye
- God is in this and every place
- Author of faith, to thee I cry
- Father of Jesus Christ, my Lord
- Comfort, ye ministers of grace
- Expand thy wings, celestial Dove
- O thou who hast our sorrows borne
- Let the redeem'd give thanks and praise
- O that I, first of love possess'd
- O that I could my Lord receive
- Too strong I was to conquer sin
- Wherewith, O God, shall I draw near
- With glorious clouds encompass'd round
- A dam, descended from above!
- Thou God unsearchable, unknown
- Lord, I despair myself to heal
- Jesus, the Sinner’s Friend, to thee
- Jesu, whose glory’s streaming rays
- Jesus, it still the same thou art
- Jesu, if still thou art to-day
- While dead in trespasses I lie
- When shall thy love constrain
- O that thou would'st the heavens rent
- Jesu! Redeemer, Saviour, Lord
- Come, O thou Traveller unknown
- Yield to me now, for I am weak
- Drooping soul, shake off thy fears
- Jesu, Lover of my soul
- Thee, Jesu, thee, the Sinner’s Friend
- O Jesus, let me bless thy Name!
- Still, Lord, I languish for thy grace
- O Love Divine, how sweet thou art!
- Father of Jesus Christ, the Just
- Thus saith the Lord,—'tis God commands
- Thou hidden God, for whom I groan
- Out of the deep I cry
- Ah! whither should I go
- Lo! in thy hand I lay
- Fain would I leave the world below
- God of my life, what just return
- O disclose thy lovely face
- My sufferings all to thee are known
- O my God, what must I do?
- Lay to thy hand, O God of Grace!
- O Jesus, my hope, For me offer'd up
- Stay, thou insulted Spirit, stay
- O my offended God
- When, gracious Lord, when shall it be
- Lord, regard my earnest cry
- Come, holy, celestial Dove
- Jesus, take my sins away
- Lamb of God, for sinners slain
- Section III.—For Persons convinced of Backsliding.
- Depth of mercy, can there be
- Jesus, the all-restoring Word
- O 'tis enough, my God, my God!
- O God, if thou art love indeed
- O unexhausted Grace!
- Jesus, I believe thee near
- How shall a lost sinner in pain
- God of my salvation, hear
- O God, thy righteousness we own
- Jesus, thou know'st my sinfulness
- Yes, from this instant now, I will
- Father, if thou must reprove
- Saviour, I now with shame confess
- Thou Man of griefs, remember me
- Section IV.—For Backsliders Recovered.