A Collection of Loyal Songs Written Against the Rump Parliament/Volume 1

Loyal Songs
Written against the
Rump Parliament,
Between the Years of 1639 and 1661.


A great Variety of Merry and Diverting Characters of the Chief Sectaries, who were the Principal Actors in that whole Scene of Affairs.

With an Historical Introduction to the Whole.

In Two Volumes. Vol. I.

Wise Men suffer, Good Men grieve,
Knaves devise, and Fools believe,
Help, O Lord, send Aid unto us,
Else Knaves and Fools, will quite undo us.


Printed for J. Stone, near Grays-Inn, and sold by G. Strahan, in Cornhill; J. Jackson, in Pall-Mall; J. Stagg, in Westminster-Hall; and J. Brindley, in New Bond-street. 1731.

To All
True Lovers
of our
Both in
Church and State,

This Collection of Loyal-Songs (hoping they will contribute towards making us both Merry and Wise) is most humbly Dedicated by

Their most

Obedient Servant,

The Editor.

Of the First Volume.
The States New Coin. Page 1
A Song. 3
The Zealous Puritan. 4
A Song. 6
Mr. Hampden’s Speech against Peace at the close Committee. 8
England’s Woe. 12
A Song. 14
The Humble Petition of the House of Commons. 17
The Answer to the Petition, &c. 20
The Parliament’s Pedigree. 23
The French Report. 25
The Complaint. 27
To the City of London. ibid.
The Character of a Roundhead 1641. 30
A Curtain Lecture. 31
A mad World my Masters. 35
The Parliament Hymns. 38
The Roundhead’s Race. 40
Pym’s Anarchy. 41
The Caution. A Song. 43
Lilly Contemn’d. A Song. 45
Upon bringing in the Plate. 47
The Sense of the House, &c. 50
The Scotch War. 58
The Power of Money. 60
Contentment. 65
On the Goldsmiths Committee. 67
The mad Zealot. 69
On Banishing the Ladies out of Town. 73
Loyalty confin’d. 76
The Penitent Traytor, &c. 79
The five Members Thanks to the Parliament. 84
London’s farewell to the Parliament. 87
A Song. 92
Sir John Hotham’s Alarm. 93
The Cavalier’s Prayer. 95
A Western Wonder. 97
A Song. 98
A Song in Defence of Christmas. 99
A Bilt on St. Paul’s Church-Door. 102
A Song. ibid.
On Col. Venne’s Encouragement to his Soldiers. 104
A second Western Wonder. 107
The Battle of Worcester. 109
A Lenten Litany. 114
The second Part. 117
The Holy Pedlar. 119
The way to wooe a zealous Lady. 122
A Hue and Cry after the Reformation. 124
The Commoners. 127
The Scors Curanto. 129
On the Schismatick Rotundo’s. 132
On demolishing the Forts. 134
Upon routing the Scots Army. 137
The Disloyal Timist. 140
A Medley. 142
A Medley of the Nations. 144
A Medley. 149
The Levellers Rant. 154
The Safety. 155
The Leveller. 158
The Royalists Answer. 161
The Independents Resolve. 164
The Lamentation. 165
The Reformation. 167
Chronosticon Decollationis, &c. 172
The Rebellion. 174
Upon the Cavaliers departing out of London. 179
On Coll. Pride. 180
Upon the General Pardon pass’d by the Rump. 186
Upon Oliver’s dissolving the Parliament. 189
Admiral Dean’s Funeral. 192
The Merry Good-Fellow. 199
The Rebels Reign. 201
The Resolve. 205
The Allegory, upon Cromwell’s pulling out the Long Parliament. 207
The Advice. 219
Sharers in the Government. A Medley. 212
Upon Cromwell’s refusing the Kingly Power. 214
The Encounter. 217
The good Old Cause. 219
The protecting Brewer. 221
The Power of the Sword. 223
Cromwell’s Coronation. 225
The Brewer. 227
News from Colchester, &c. 231
The four-leg’d Quaker. 235
Win at first loose at last: Or, a new Game at Cards. 242
The Lawyer’s Lamentation for the loss of Charing-Cross. 247
The Cavalier. 249
The Committee. 252
To a fair Lady weeping for her Husband, committed to Prison by the Parliament. 254
An Epitaph. 256
On the happy Memory of Alderman Hoyle that hang’d himself. 258
The Royalist. 259
The new Courtier. 261
For General Monk’s Entertainment, &c. 263

Books Printed, and Sold by J. Stone, near Bedford-Row.

  1. Shakespear’s Works, 9 Vol. 12mo.
  2. Spectator, 2 Vol. 12mo.
  3. Guardian, 2 Vol. 12mo.
  4. Turkish Spy, 8 Vol. 12mo.
  5. History of the last War in Spain, 8vo.
  6. Gulliver’s Travels, 12mo.
  7. Grabe Septuaginta, 8 Vol. 8vo.
  8. Account of the Burning of London in 1666.
  9. Conference between the Duke of Buckingham and Father Fitzgerald, an Irish Jesuit, sent by King James II, to Convert his Grace in his Sickness to the Romish Religion; with the Character of King Charles II. by Sheffield, Duke of Buckingham.
  10. Commercium Epistolicum D. Johannis Collins, & aliorum de Analisi Promota.
  11. A Treatise on Humane Understanding, by the great Huetius, Author of Demonstratio Evangelica, &c. with an Historical Encomium on the Author and his Works, by Abbot Olivet.
  12. The Rape of Proserpine, from Claudian, by Mr. J. Hughes.
  13. A New Canting Dictionary, comprehending all the Terms, Ancient and Modern, of that kind, 12o.
  14. Bishop Beveridge on the Psalms, 12o.
  15. Congreve’s Works, 3 Vol. 12o.
  16. Prior’s Poems, 3 Vol. 12o.
  17. Cyder, a Poem, and the Splendid Shilling, by J. Phillips.
  18. Callipædia: Or, The Art of getting pretty Children, with Cuts, by Mr. Oldisworth, 12o.
  19. Swift’s Miscellanies, 3 Vol. 120.12o.
  20. The Tale of a Tub, with Cuts and Notes, 12o.
  21. Milton’s Paradise lost, 12o.
  22. The Life of Jane Shore, with a fine Cut by Guernier, representing her doing Penance in St. Paul’s Church-Yard.