A Collection of Poems/Sonnets to Sundry Notes of Musicke/'My flocks feede not, my Ewes breed not'

3996997A Collection of Poems — 'My flocks feede not, my Ewes breed not'William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
MY flocks feede not, my Ewes breed not,
My Rams speed not, all is amis:
Love is dying, Faithes defying,
Hearts denying, causer of this.
All my merry Jigges are quite forgot,
All my Ladies love is lost (God wot)
Where her faith was firmely fixt in love,
There a nay is plac'd without remove.
One silly crosse wrought all my losse;
O frowning fortune, cursed fickle dame,
For now I see, inconstancy
More in women than in men remain.