A Compendium of Irish Biography/Babington, William

634817A Compendium of Irish Biography — Babington, WilliamAlfred Webb

Babington, William, M.D., F.R.S., a chemist and mineralogist, was born near Coleraine in 1756. He began to practise medicine in London about 1797, and lectured on chemistry at Guy's Hospital. He wrote several works on mineralogy, one of the principal of which was New System of Mineralogy (1799). He was one of the founders of the Geographical Society, of which he was chosen President in 1822. He died in 1833. [1] [2]

  1. Authors, Dictionary of British and American: S. Austin Allibone. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1869–'71.
  2. Biographical Dictionary: Lippincott. New York.